二成分ポリマー混合系の混合状態に対する一力学的表現について : 高分子のレオロジー
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The mechanical properties of polymer blends depend on the degree of mixing of the blended components. If the blended polymers are poorly compatible or incompatible, which is oftener met in actual and is more significant in modifying the mechanical properties of a single polymer component in a practical point of view, it presents a fort of physically blending rather than a sort of solvation. This common type of blending usually shows the existence of two glass-transition temperatures which correlate, more or less, to the original glass-transition temperatures of each component and suggest that the physically blending leaves homogeneous regions of each polymer component. In this paper, it is intended to relate the viscoelastic properties of this type of physically blended system of two polymer components to the degree of mixing by using a generalized model representation, as shown in Fig. 2, consisted of n elements coupled in parallel by the volume fraction λ, which the ith element consists of two polymer components coupled in series by the volume fraction φ_t. Considering λ_i as a function of φ_i and n as infinite, then the following mathematical relations will be obtained : [numerical formula] [numerical formula] [numerical formula] and [numerical formula] where E__-(T) is temperature dependence of Young's modulus of the whole blended system ; E(T, φ_A) is that of the element having the volume fraction of A component φ_A ; and V_A, E_A and E_B are volume fraction of A component in the whole system, temperature dependence of Young's modulus of A component and that of B component, respectively.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1963-05-15
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