- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper the report is made of the measurement performed of the stress relaxation of plasticized PVC sheet under biaxial large deformation by means of a biaxial tensile tester. It is assumed that the material is an isotropic, homogeneous and incompressible, and the strain energy function W may be described in the following equation. W=W(I_1, I_2) The function W can be represented as the function of time t with respect to the stress relaxation. That is W=W(I_1, I_2, t). The partial derivatives of the strain energy are given in the following equation as the function of invariants of deformation tensor and time from the theory of continuous media. [numerical formula] The force f_i in formula (1) has been measured by the stress relaxation experiment as a function of time t, and ∂W/∂I_i can be obtained by substituting f_i(t) in formula (1). It is observed that the relation between log (∂W/∂I_i) and log t is approximately expressed as a stright line having slope k. According to the slope of the line ∂W/∂I_i(t) is approximately represented in the following equation as a function of time. ∂W/∂I_i(I_l, I_2, t)=At^<-ki> where i=1, 2, A=A(I_1, I_2, t=t_0). The value of k is not constant for all deformation measured and also for different temperature. Some contour maps representing the surfaces of ∂W/∂I_1 and ∂W/∂I_2 as function of I_1 and I_2 are obtained for this materials at some fixed time t. It follows that the shape of contour map has not been influenced by the time, but it has not been remarkably influenced by the temperature.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1971-01-15
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