- 論文の詳細を見る
Preparation of (K, Rb)Cl and (Rb, Cs)Cl single crystals were attempted by the Stockbarger method.These crystals were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments, density measurements, micro Vickers hardness tests, and refractive indices measurements.In the (K, Rb)Cl system, transparent single crystals were obtained between both end members.It was confirmed from the results of the XRD experiments that these crystals formed solid solutions.The results on atomic absorption spectrometry of the (K, Rb)Cl single crystals revealed that compositional fluctuation was hardly observed in each crystal.The densities and the lattice parameters of the (K, Rb)Cl single crystals varied linearly with the composition.Also, it is suggested that there is a relationship between the refractive indices and lattice strain resulting in solid solution hardening in the (K, Rb)Cl system, because both the minimum value of the refractive indices and the maximum one of the hardness were at the same composition.On the other hand, transparent crystals were obtained within the composition range of RbCl-0 to 60 mol% CsCl and RbCl-95 to 100 mol% CsCl in the (Rb, Cs)Cl system.The solid solution hardening was observed within the composition near the end member.However, outside the composition ranges, the crystals became muddy and whity.It is speculated that the whity muddiness of the (Rb, Cs)Cl system crystals resulted from an appearance of two kinds of crystal grains, CsCl-rich and RbCl-rich phases, which was caused by cellular growth and the transformation of CsCl-phase from NaCl-type to CsCl-type structures during the cooling.Furthermore, it is also suggested that the transformation affected the measurement results of the density, hardness and refractive index.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1998-09-01
松下 徹
友重 竜一
松下 徹
友重 竜一
友重 竜一
久田松 智昭
小玉 正雄
松下 徹
松下 徹
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