- 論文の詳細を見る
The anterior flax artery which is a small meningeal branch of the anterior ethmoidal artery from the ophthalmic artery was described by Kuru (1967).Shiga(1968), Pollock and Newton (1968) reported the anatomy, angiographic features and some clinical evaluations of this artery.In this report, we shall demonstrate the angiographic findings and clinical evaluation of the anterior falx artery, based on a thousand patients, or 1254 serial angiograms which were taken between July, 1973 and June, 1978.All these angiograms were of good quality.Through the analysis of these material, the following results were obtained:The anterior falx artery was visualized in 21% of 217 normal cases and in 35% of pathologic cases(Table 1).This artery was visualized in 33.2% of left carotid angiograms, but only in 18.2% of right carotid angiograms.We also noticed that this artery is opacified more frequently in the pathologic side than the other side(Table 2).Bilateral carotid angiograms were taken in 221 patients and 94(42%) showed anterior falx arteries.In eight cases, two different anterior falx arteries were demonstrated.Anterior falx artery is important for collateral circulation in moyamoya disease and ccerebral thrombosis.This artery sometimes supplies the meningioma, the artcrio-venous malformation and other tumors invading into the dura.In addition, it could be stressed that there was dilatation of this artery in many patients with chronic subdural hematoma, subacute meningitis or malignant leptomeningeal dissemination.These dilatations may be due to compression of bridging vein and/or to circulatory change.Another important feature is the change of visualization of this artery in the same patient.In 15 of 28 patients in whom carotid angiographies were repeated, the visualization of the anterior falx arteries varied following clinical course from one examination to another.These differences were demonstrated between preoperative and postoperative angiograms in cases of subdural hematoma, cerrbral tumor and acute head injury.These observations have convinced us that the anterior falx artery often has important clinical significance.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1979-11-15
大川 元臣
河合 隆治
三浦 尚
原田 貢士
御供 政紀
河合 隆治
入野医院総合めまいセンター 内科
大川 元臣
Department Of Radiology Osaka Center For Adult Disease
小林 保雄
Department Of Radiology Osaka Teishin Hospital
西窪 良彦
原田 貢士
原田 貢士
大阪大学 放射線科
御供 政紀
Department of Radiology, Osaka University
河合 隆治
Department of Radiology, Osaka University
三浦 尚
Department of Radiology, Osaka University
西窪 良彦
Department of Radiology, Osaka University
原田 貢士
Department of Radiology, Osaka University
村田 三郎
Department of Radiology, Osaka Hannan Chuo Hospital
御供 政紀
大阪大学 放射線科
村田 三郎
Department Of Radiology Osaka Hannan Chuo Hospital
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