- 論文の詳細を見る
A 64-year-old, hypertensive female suddenly experienced severe headache. On admission, the patient had almost clear consciousness but was slightly restless and complained of severe headache and nausea. Neurological examination revealed only neck stiffness. A computed tomographic scan revealed subarachnoid hemorrhage. Angiographically, bilateral internal carotid and vertebral arteries had the "string of beads sign" at their cervical portion, and the left internal carotid artery also had the same sign at its cavernous portion. The left vertebral artery had low-origin posterior inferior cerebellar artery and a berry-shaped aneurysm at its distal trunk. A diagnosis of cervical and intracranial fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) with a ruptured berry-shaped aneurysm of the distal vertebral trunk was made. The berry-shaped aneurysm was successfully treated with proximal clipping. Angiographically, right renal and axillary arteries also had the "string of beads sign," and the patient's hypertension seemed to be renovascular in etiology. The co-existence of intracranial FMD and cerebral aneurysm of unusual location suggests a possible relationship between the FMD and the development of cerebral aneurysm.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1990-11-01
山田 弘
深澤 誠司
深澤 誠司
深沢 誠司
深澤 誠司
今井 秀
斎藤 晃
山田 弘
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