- 論文の詳細を見る
A case of acoustic neurinoma with multiple intratumoral hemorrhages is reported. A 56-year-old male noted sudden hearing reduction in his left ear in October of 1985. The diagnosis of a local physician was sudden deafness. About 10 months later, he had two episodes of severe headache without nausea or vomiting. The patient was hospitalized in October of 1986. Neurological examination on admission revealed left V and VII-X cranial nerve palsies and left cerebellar ataxia. Plain and enhanced computed tomography revealed only an unremarkable low-density area at the left cerebellopontine angle. In contrast, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) clearly demonstrated a large (3×4×5 cm) , multicystic tumor in this site. On exposure of the tumor at surgery, most of the cysts were found to be filled with a dark red or xanthochromic fluid. The tumor was completely removed following numerous cyst punctures to decrease its volume. There was no evidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Histological examination showed a typical acoustic neurinoma. The cyst wall contained numerous telangiectasia-like lesions. The initial symptom of this patient was sudden hearing loss, which is an atypical manifestation of acoustic neurinoma. The massive intratumoral hemorrhage was thought to be caused by telangiectatic lesions in the cyst wall. MRI clearly demonstrated the hemorrhagic cysts within the tumor, especially in the posterior fossa.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1989-04-15
赤塚 誠哉
倉田 彰
高木 宏
斎藤 武志
斉藤 武志
斎藤 武志
管 信一
高木 宏
赤塚 誠哉
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