3p-B-10 Bメソンからexcited charmedメソンへのsemileptonic decay
F/D Rations of Baryon Vertices for Arbitrary Nc
INTERVIEW 松田正久/愛知教育大学学長 (激化する大学間競争 本当に強い大学 2008年) -- (改革迫られる国公立大学)
28pZN-2 SU(6)*SU(2)_R弦模型における粒子スペクトルとゲージ結合の統一(素粒子論)
29pSF-9 Precocious Gauge Symmetry Breaking in SU(6)^*SU(2)_R Model
26pXH-12 Flavor Symmetry on Non-Commutative Compact Space and SU(6)×SU(2)_R Model
4 教育系大学・学部の改革と愛知教育大学の現状と課題(I 報告)(教育学研究交流集会:大学改革の現状と課題 : 教員養成系学部・教職課程を中心に)(中部地区)(2000年度地区研究活動報告)
クォーク・レプトンの質量と混合行列 : SU(6)×SU(2)_R模型での解析(ニュートリノ振動はGUTに何を要求するか,研究会報告)
30aSA-12 SU(6)^*SU(2)_R模型における大きなレプトン世代混合
Quark Mixings in SU(6)×SU(2)_R and Suppression of V_
22a-E-1 New Possibility of Solving the Problem of Lifetime Ratio τ(Λ_b)/τ(B_d)
Explicit CP Violation of the Higgs Sector in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
29a-B-1 B中間子のセミレプトニック崩壊と1/m_c補正
B中間子のKπ,ππ崩壊過程に対するペンギン図の寄与について(Physics through b Decay,基研長期研究計画研究会報告 素粒子物理とその将来像,研究会報告)
31p-S-6 A Large Majorana-Mass From Calabi-Yau Superstring Models
3p-B-10 Bメソンからexcited charmedメソンへのsemileptonic decay
1a-ZL-12 B中間子の希崩壊と荷電ヒッグス粒子の寄与
Chiral solitonの安定性 (Chiral Soliton模型による核子,核子系の研究)
Quark Model and Skyrme model〔邦文〕 (爆発的天体現象における流体力学的不安定性(研究会報告))
Two-body hadronic processes(experiment) (第15回高エネルギー物理学国際会議報告)
Summarizing Discussions
2. Inelastic processのある場合のOBE-model(One Boson Exchange模型の研究会報告)
Particle spectra and gauge unification in SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
Precocious gauge symmetry breaking in SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
Non-anomalous flavor symmetries and SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
Flavor symmetry on non-commutative compact space and SU(6) x SU(2)_R model.
Fermion masses and mixings in a string inspired model.
The Weak scale hierarchy and discrete symmetries.
The Aligned SU(5) x U(1)^2 model.
How can we obtain a large Majorana-mass in Calabi-Yau models?
The String unification of gauge couplings and gauge kinetic mixings.
Chargino and Neutralino Mass Spectra in Superstring-Inspired E_6 Model with R-Parity Violation : Particles and Fields
Recent advances in pancreaticobiliary maljunction
High energy reaction〔邦文〕 (「模型と構造」拡大世話人会報告)
Decreased CD3 ζ molecules of T lymphocytes from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma associated with hepatitis C virus
Neutron-Proton Phase Shifts between 500 and 1090 MeV
On the np→d(ππ)^0 Reaction at P_L=1.46 and 1.9 GeV/c
重イオン衝突での陽電子エネルギー分布の異常ピークとその解釈について(TeV領域のPhysics (standard modelを超えて),研究会報告)
2a-A-5 P波のチャーム中間子の分光学的解析
B→D lν and Bjorken sum rule (素粒子物理とその将来像)
From B→Dxlν with 1/mc correction〔邦文〕 (B,D,K中間子物理とクォ-ク混合,cpの破れ)
B→Dxlν in HQET〔邦文〕 (素粒子物理とその将来像)
B Decays into Higher D-Resonances in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory〔邦文〕 (B,D,K中間子物理とクォ-ク混合,CPの破れ(研究会報告))
Effective Potential and Dilaton
Complete remission of multiple recurrent hepatocellular carcinomas by oral administration of enteric-coated tegafur/uracil in a patient with huge hepatocellular carcinoma extending to the inferior vena cava after hepatic resection : analysis of mRNA expre
Predictors of hepatic venous trunk invasion and prognostic factors in patients with hepatocellular carcinomas that had come into contact with the trunk of major hepatic veins
Synchronously resected double primary hepatic cancers : hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiolocellular carcinoma
A Huge Primary Peritoneal Papillary Adenocarcinoma Which Demonstrated Imaging Findings Similar to Those of Extrahepatic-Growing Type Hepatic Tumor : Report of a Case
Multicentric occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma : diagnosis and clinical significance
Surgical treatment of recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma based on the mode of recurrence : repeat hepatic resection or ablation are good choices for patients with recurrent multicentric cancer
Yukawa Couplings and Global Symmetries in Four-Generation Superstring Models
Phase-Shift Analysis of pp Scattering at T_L=25-500 MeV
Phase Shifts of p-^3He Scattering at Low Energies
Elastic pp Scattering Amplitudes at Intermediate Energies and Dibaryons
Noticeable Change of p-p Spin-Orbit Interaction at Short Distance : A Possible First-Order Phase Transition Found in p-p Scattering at T_L=3〜10 GeV
Phase Shift Analyses of pp Elastic Scattering between 500 and 800 MeV
Neutron electric dipole moment in two Higgs doublet model.
Charged Higgs Effects in Inclusive and Exclusive Weak Radiative B-Decays : Particles and Fields
New possibility of solving the problem of lifetime ratio τ(Λ_b ) / τ(B_d)
2a-KC-3 "Cabibbo-suppressed" D decays and (C^^- S)_R current
Large Intermediate Scales and High Discrete Symmetries in Superstring Theories : Particles and Fields
Evidence of Short-Range Repulsive Spin-Orbit Components in the Proton-Proton Interaction
On the Phase-Shift Solution in the Diproton Resonance Region : P_L = 1.2〜1.7 GeV/c
Phase-Shift Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at P_L=12 GeV/c
A Phase-Shift Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at P_L=6GeV/c
Proton-Proton Scattering Amplitudes at P_L=6 GeV/c : A Semi Phenomenological Phase-Shift Analysis
The Gauge Unification in a Four-Generation Superstring Model : Particles and Fields
11p-H-1 超弦理論における大きな中間スケールと高い離散対称性