Long-Time Average of Field Measured by a Brownian Wanderer : The Case in 3-Dimensions (General)
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For the d = 3-dimensional Brownian motion ω (t) starting from x ∈ R^3 and for a given function V(r), r ∈ R^3, we show that X_T[ω] = ∫^T_0 V(ω(t)) dt converges in law as T → ∞ if V ∈ L^1(R^3) ∩ L^к(R^3) for some к> 3/2 and determine its limit probability density. In distinction with the cases of d = 1 and 2 as studied in our previous papers, it is found that : (i) X_T converges without the division by v (T), which are T^<1/2> and log[DT/γ] for d = 1 and 2, respectively, and (ii) the probability density pv (X,x) of X = lim_T→∞ X_T depends on the starting point x as well as on the shape of V. In particular, when x is outside the support of V, the density has a term p_0δ(X) with some probability P_0. We find pv(X, x) for the cases of V of the square-well and the exponential types. The case of the Coulomb-potential type ∉ L^к (R^3) (for any к) requires a renormalization. This study has an application to modeling the process of chemoreception in the immune system of living bodies, in which a number of cells, called B-cells, perform Brownian motions in a distribution V(r) of antigens, and the number X of antigens each B-cell captures in a long time is counted by a lymphatic system, which in this way is capable of determining the density distibution of the antigens from the statistics of X.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2004-04-15
Watanabe K
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Nakamura T
Waseda Univ. Tokyo Jpn
中村 龍史
Department Of Applied Physics Waseda University
Department of Internal Medicine, Kochi Municipal Central Hospital
Nakamura Tota
Department Of Applied Physics Tohoku University
Watanabe K
National Institute For Fusion Science
Department of Engineering, Yamagata University
Nakamura Toshikazu
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Nakayashiki Takashi
Department Of Molecular Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Kyoto University
EZAWA Hiroshi
Department of Physics, Gakushuin University
WIEGEL Frederik
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam
Nakamura T
Institute For Molecular Science
Ezawa H
Gakushuin Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Ezawa Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Gakushuin University
Wiegel Frederik
Institute Of Theoretical Physics University Of Amsterdam
Watanabe K
Department Of Physics Meisei University
Nakamura Takayoshi
Research Institute For Electronic Science And Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaid
Nakamura Toru
Department Of General Thoracic Surgery Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital
Department of Physics, Meisei University
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