The Decay of Ba^<131> and Excited Levels in Cs^<131>
- 論文の詳細を見る
The decay of Ba^<131> was studied with a magnetic beta spectrometer and Nal scintillation spectrometers. Twenty-two transitions in Cs^<131> were observed in the internal conversion spectrum. A new level in Cs^<131> was found at 594 keV. The gamma-gamma angular correlation for the 924-124 keV cascade in Cs^<131> was dbserved to be W(θ)=1+(0.0012±0.016) P_2(cosθ)+(0.011±0.029)P_4(cosθ). The spins and parities of excited states of Cs^<131> are assigned from the multipolarities which were determined by the internal conversion and the angular correlation. Thw observed energy levels (in keV) and the spins and parities in Cs^<131> are 77(7/2+,3/2+,5/2+),124(3/2+,1/2+,5/2+),133(3/2+,7/2+,5/2+),216(3/2+),374(3/2+),594(?),620(1/2+,3/2+),700(?),1051keV (3/2+,(1/2+)).
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1964-09-05
Hirose Tachishige
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hirose Tachishige
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Hisatake Kazuo
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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