New Mass Enhancements in the Diffractive Nucleon Systems and Five-Quark Exotic Levels
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Recently possible existence of new mass enhancements in the diffractive nucleon system has been reported. A possibility of ascribing these enhancements to five-quark exotic levels is investigated by applying the joined spring quark model.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1980-09-25
Hirose Tachishige
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Atomic Energy Research Institute, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Hirose Tachishige
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hirose Tachishige
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ishida Shin
Atomic Energy Research Institute College Of Science And Technolgy Nihon University
- Study of π^+π^- Pair Production in a Two-Photon Process at TRISTAN : VENUS Collaboration
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- Measurement of the Reactions e^+e^-→e^+e^- and e^+e^-→γγ at √=52 GeV
- Search for the Top Quark in e^+e^- Annihilation at √=50 GeV:The First Result from the VENUS Detector at TRISTAN
- Electromagnetic Form Factors of Deuteron at Large Momentum Transfers in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Particles and Fields
- Light σ-Meson Production in Excited Υ Decay Processes II : Theoretical Investigation(§3. ππ Production Processes,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Light σ-Meson Production in Excited Υ Decay Processes I : Analyses(§3. ππ Production Processes,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
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- Study on Spin Precession of Polarized Slow Positrons in Solids
- Weak Radiative Decay Width Β^±→Κ^γ in COQM Including Long-Range Contributions
- Exclusive Weak Radiative Decays of B Mesons in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Nuclear Physics
- Hadronic Weak Decays of Λ_b Baryon in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Particles and Fields
- Non-Leptonic Two-Meson Decays of B Mesons in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model with Factorization Ansatz : Particles and Fields
- Monte Carlo Study of Ortho-Positronium Laser Cooling
- Performance and Radiation Damage of a Lead/Scintillator Calorimeter
- Quark-Parton Model Aspect of Diffraction Dissociation from Feynman-and Bjorken-Variable Distributions
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- Dual Display System for Multidimensional Data Analysis of High-Energy Physics
- Pattern Recognition of Charged Particles for the VENUS Central Drift Chamber
- New Mass Enhancements in the Diffractive Nucleon Systems and Five-Quark Exotic Levels
- An Analysis of ππ-Scatterubg Phase Shift and Existence of σ(555) Particle
- Covariant Level-Classification Scheme and Chiral Symmetry(§4. Meson Spectroscopy and Quark Model,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Covariant Quark Representation of Composite Meson Systems and Chiral Symmetry
- Semi-Leptonic B Meson Decays to Excited D Mesons in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model
- Exclusive Semi-Leptonic Decays of Heavy Mesons in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Particles and Fields
- Relation between Scattering and Production Amplitudes : Concerning σ Particle in ππ System
- Further Analysis on σ Particle Properties
- Analysis of a Kπ-Scattering Phase Shift and Evidence for the .(900) Meson : Nuclear Physics
- Spectra of Exclusive Semi-Leptonic Decays of B-Meson in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Particles and Fields
- Spin-Independent Confining Force and a Boosted LS-Coupling Scheme for Covariant Description of Hadron World
- Effective Weak Transition Currents of Light-through-Heavy-Quark Meson and Baryon Systems in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model
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- Weak Radiative Decay Λ_b → Λ γ and Quark-Confined Effects in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model
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- Covariant Description of Deuteron and "Intrinsic" Quadrupole Moment
- The Decay of Ba^ and Excited Levels in Cs^
- Phenomenological Analysis of Nucleon Diffraction Dissociation in the Drell-Hiida-Deck Model
- S-matrix Bases and Relation between ππ-Scattering and Production Amplitudes(§1. Historical and General Topics,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Mass Spectra and Wave Functions of Meson Systems and the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model as an Expansion Basis
- the Excess of HERA High-Q^2 Events and Leptoquarks in a Left-Right Symmetric Preon Model
- A Universal Spring and Regge Trajectories of Gluonic Hadrons
- "Minimal Boosting" of SU(6) Scheme
- Composite Weak Vector Bosons in a Left-Right Symmetric Preon Model : Particles and fields
- Di-Nucleon Exotics and Quark Statistics
- Di-Nucleon Exotics in a Joined Spring Model and Statistics of Quarks
- Possible Effects of a Composite Iso-Scalar Weak Boson in a Left-Right Symmetric Preon Model : Particles and Fields
- "Bose Quarks or Colored Quarks?" : in Case of Exotic Particles
- "Variant Mass and Width"of the Axial-Vector a_1 and b_1 Mesons and Existence of Hybrid States : Particles and Fields
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- Radiative Decays of Ground-State Mesons in the Covariant Quark Model : Particles and Fields
- Multi-Quark Hadrons in the Joined-Spring Quark Model
- Search for the Top Quark in $e^{+}e^{-}$ Annihilation at $\sqrt{s}{=}50$ GeV: The First Result from the VENUS Detector at TRISTAN
- Radiative Decays of Baryon Resonances in a Relativistic Harmonic Oscillator Quark Model
- Multi-Local Hadron Fields : A Unified Relativistic Bose Quark Model
- Level Structures of Exotic Baryons in the Joined Spring Model and Statistics of Quarks
- Properties of Chiral Scalar and Axial-Vector Mesons in Heavy-Light Quark Systems
- Electromagnetic Transitions of Heavy Quarkonia in the Boosted LS-Coupling Scheme
- A Universal Spring and Meson Trajectories : Particles and Fields
- Monte Carlo Study of Ortho-Positronium Laser Cooling
- Study on Spin Precession of Polarized Slow Positrons in Solids
- Bose Quarks and Non-Leptonic Weak Interactions of Charmed Mesons