Pseudogap Induced by Antiferromagnetic Spin Correlation in High-Temperature Superconductors : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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The pseudogap phenomena observed on cuprate high temperature superconductors are investigated based on the exact diagonalization method on the finite cluster t-J model. The results show the presence of the gap-like behavior in the temperature dependence of various magnetic properties; the NMR relaxation rate, the neutron scattering intensity and the static susceptibility. The calculated spin correlation function indicates that the pseudogap behavior arises associated with the development of the antiferromagnetic spin correlation with decreasing the temperature. The numerical results are presented to clarify the model parameter dependence, that covers the realistic experimental situation. The effect of the next-nearest neighbor hopping t' is also studied.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2001-01-15
坂井 徹
Japan Atomic Energy Agency Spring-8
SAKAI To^^ru
Faculty of Science,Himeji institute of Technology
Faculty of Science,Himeji institute of Technology
Takahashi Yoshinori
Faculty Of Science Himeji Institute Of Technology
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