Field-Induced Itinerant Metamagnetism in Iron Monosilicide
- 論文の詳細を見る
Influetuce of laigh naagnetic fields and pressvrre on band structtrre of FeSi has been studied bythe f'tmJ1-potential LNITO -ASA raaethod. It is found that the seuaaicouaducting grotrnd state ofFeSi is stable in the wide VO[Lll118 r'ange of fl5'7 of V/ "l..,. At the saune tiza're, as follows f'roztathe LSDA calctt[ations, the applied externatl zmargnetic fields induce the raaetallic rnagnetic state.At IOXV fields 0111 results agree with the rtaeasured ttuagnetization. There is steep increase ofcalculated magnetization at high critical field H... :- 170 T (itinerant metanaagnetic tra?asition),
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-08-15
OHTA Hitoshi
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Kobe University
Ohta Hitoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Kulatv Erkin
The Graduate School of Science and Technotogy,Kobe University
Kulatv Erkin
The Graduate School Of Science And Technotogy Kobe University
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