Diffusion-Limited Aggregation on Percolating Cluster:Crossover and Multifractal Structure
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Viscous fingering in porous media is considered as the diffusion-limited aggregation(DLA) on the percolating cluster. The crossover between percolation and DLA isstudied by using a three-parameter position-space renormalization-group approach.The global flow diagram in the two-parameter space is obtained. It is found that thereare two nontrivial fixed points, the percolation point and the DLA point. Above thepercolation threshold, the system crosses eventually over to the DLA fractal on theperfect lattice. The fractal nature and the multifractal structure of the growthprobability distribution are derived from the position-space renormalization-groupmethod. The multifractal structure at the percolation threshold is compared with thatat the perfect lattice.DI,A, viscous fingering, percolation, multifractal
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1991-04-15
Stanley H
Boston Univ. Massachusetts
College of Engineering,Shizuoka University
Center for Polymer Studies and Department of Physics,Boston University
Stanley H.eugene
Center For Polymer Studies And Department Of Physics Boston University
Nagatani Takashi
College Of Engineering Shizuoka University
Nagatani Takashi
College Of Engineering Shizuoka University:center For Polymer Studies And Department Of Physics Bost
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