Piezoreflectivity Studies on Excitons and Band to Band Transitions in Alkali Bromides and Iodides under Uniaxial Stress
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Piezoreflectivity spectra of ]<I and RbBr in the fundamental absorption region weremeasured at liquid N. temperature and splitting energies due tc>trigonal deformationswere obtained on the first and second excitons and the steps which are the onset ofband to band transitions. The splitting energies were calculated with a single splittingparameter in the 7v-levels of th.e valence band, together with tl?e exchange energy andthe spin-orbit coupling constant introduced by Onodera arxd Toyozawa. A goodagreement was obtained with the experimental results. Reported valued of the splitting energies in Rbl and KBr were also shown to be consistent with the calculation. Itis concluded that the first and second excitons are mixturccs of the states whichmanifest themselves as the first and second steps.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1990-12-15
高橋 正氣
Kobayashi M
Niigata Univ. Niigata
Kobayashi Michihiro
Department Of Material Physics
Department of Bone and Orthopaedics, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Science University of Tokyo
MISU Akira
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Science University of Tokyo
Misu A
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Misu Akira
Department Of Physice Facult Of Science University Of Tokyo.
Takahashi Shinobu
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery
Kobayashi Masaaki
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka City General Hospital And Children's Hospital
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