Successional Dynamical Models on the 2-Dimensional Lattice Space
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We study the successional models which include two phases in successional sequences, sun trees and shade trees, where replacement from the former to the latter occurs only between nearest-neighbor trees in the two-dimensional lattice space. Both the successional model (Durrett and Swindle, Durrett and Schinazi, and Durrett) and the epidemic model (Sato et al.) are special cases of our model. This model is analysed by Monte Carlo simulations with comparison between mean-field approximation and pair approximation which considers only nearest-neighbor interactions. The results show that the model parameter α, which represents the degree of transition from a vacant site to a shade tree, affects the steady state of the population.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1995-06-15
SATO Kazunori
Department of Homeostasis Medicine and Nephrology, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univers
今野 紀雄
Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
Konno Norio
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Yokohama National University
Sato Kazunori
Department Of Computational Nanomaterials Design Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Center The Institute
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