Effect of OH Content on the Far-Infrared Absorption and Nature of the Boson Peak in Silica Glass
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To clarify the 011 efl'ect 011 loxv-freqtrency uaaodes, the f'ar-itaf'r;rred ?tbsorption of' silica &J21SScontatituitug x80O xvt. l)Plll of OH laas beeta rtexx'ly raae?xstrred in Cite region 10 -100 Clll ' ?tt roomteraujcer?xttrre, ar?d qtr?tratitatix'el5' cottapared xvitJu tla?tt of' silic?t gl?tsses xvith difFererat OH COIICCII-trations. OH-related absorjctiota claatages slaox'x'ed at uaaotuotozaic izacr'ease xx'it.h ['reqtrerucy ;rnd Toroadpeaks corresponditag to Cite looson joe;xk slaif'{ed to loxx'er f'reqttencies xvitJu OH conternt. It is considered tJuat OH iotas xvlaich euater silica glass 1o.5' loreal<ing Si- -0 lootads, change sizes of' c[trstersconstrttctitag a glass netxx"orlc strtrcttrre stud consecjtreuttJ,)' contribtrte to Clue far-irafrared absorptioniracrease. Frotaa tl'xe ;xboxve OH ef['ect, tlae ])OSOII peatk is strggested to Toe dtne to collecti'x'e motionsof' atotns closely related to tlae clttsters.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-08-15
Sugie Tatsuo
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Shoji T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Ohsaka Toshiaki
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements Tohoku University
Ohsaka Toshiaki
Research Institute For Scientific Measutements Tohoku University
Shoji Teruaki
Division Of Thermonuclear Fusion Research Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai Establishment
SHOJI Tadanobu
Research Institute for Scientific Measurements, Tohoku University
Shoji Tadanobu
Research Institute For Scientific Measurements Tohoku University
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