Hole-Doping Effects on a Frustrated Spin Ladder
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Hole-doping effects are inverstigated on the t-J ladder model with the linked-tetrahedra structure. We discuss how a metal-insulator transition occurs upon hole doping with particular emphasis on the effects of geometrical frustration. By computing the electron density and the spin correlation function by the density matrix renormalization group, we show that strong frustration triggers a first-order transition to a metallic phase, when holes are doped into the plaquette-singlet phase. By examining spin excitations in a metallic case in detail, we discuss whether the spin-gap phase persists upon hole doping according to the strength of frustration. It is further shown that the lowest excited stale in a spin-gap metallic phase can be described in two independent quasi particles.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2003-02-15
Department of Physics, Niigata University
Koga Akihisa
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Kawaguchi Akira
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Okunishi K
Niigata Univ. Niigata
Okunishi Kouichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Niigata University
Okunishi Kouichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Niigata Univeristy
Kawaguchi Akira
Department Of Marine Sciences Faculty Of Science University Of The Ryukyus
Kawaguchi Akira
Department Of Appkied Physics Osaka University
Kawaguchi Akira
Laboratory Of Soil Microbiology Division Of Soil Science And Plant Production Department Of Plant Re
Koga A
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
KOGA Akihiko
Department of Appkied Physics, Osaka University
Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University
Kawakmi Norio
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
古賀 章彦
Division Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
Koga Akihiko
Department Of Appkied Physics Osaka University
Okunishi Kouich
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Niigata University
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University
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