- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper was to obtain the basic data necessary for studying the technique to reduce the takeoff time in hurdling. For our experimental subjects, we used two of Japan's top class hurdlers. We analyzed the center of gravity (CG) height from the touchdown point of the last stride to the point of toe-off on the takeoff, and the vertical reaction forces of the support phase of the last stride and the takeoff phase. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The vertical velocity of the CG of the last stride was 0.35 m/s or 45% less in the toe-off compared to the touchdown. Thus, reducing the vertical velocity of the toe-off of the last stride and the CG height of the airborne phase of the last stride would lead to a reduction in the vertical momentum of the body in the touchdown, and was therefore effecitve in reducing the takeoff time. 2) The vertical momentum at touchdown was smaller than that of the last stride, but the initial peak of the vertical reaction force was 1.9 times greater. This force was effecitve in reducing the vertical momentum of the body at touchdown in a short time, and was therefore considered to be an important factor for reducing the takeoff time.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1990-06-01
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