- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study we examined changes of leaf antomy in ten deciduous broad-leaved tree species according to changes in growth light conditions. The ten species are common to Japanese warm-temperate forests, cool-temperate forests and subalpine forests. In all tree species the palisade tissue changed markedly according to changes in light conditions. Six tree species showed a change in thickness of the palisade tissue that was directly proportional to the change in the relative photosynthetic photon flux density. It was judged that the six tree species changed the thickness of their palisade tissue readily according to shading. In four tree species, the thickness of the palisade tissue changed to a constant value according to the change in relative photosynthetic photon flux density. It was judged that in these four species the thickness of the palisade tissue did not change readily with shading. Those tree species which had thick palisade tissue tended to change the thickness of the palisade tissu readily according to shading, whereas such a change did not occur readily in those species which had thin palisade tissue. Only two species showed marked changes in the number of cell layers of the palisade tissue in respose to growth light conditions. Eight tree species responded to light conditions by changing the vertical length of the palisade tissue cells.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 2002-12-25
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