- 論文の詳細を見る
The emigration of the larvae of the almond moth, Ephestia cautella from their food (rice bran) to the food which is renewed each day was observed in relation to their population densities under the experimentally controlled condition of 30℃ and 70 per cent R.H. The emigration in the larval stage of this moth can be divided into two separate parts. The first one arose in the immature larval stage (Fig. 1A), and it may be due to the shortage of the food and to the interaction between larval individuals. The rate of it at this stage, relatively as well as absolutely, increased with the increase of the initial density. However, the emigrants were rarely found in sparse population below a certain point of density (Fig. 2). Another sort of emigration arose in the full grown larvae (Fig. 1B) which walks about in searching a site for pupation. The rate of it was also low in the sparse population corresponding to the number of the remainders. It increases remarkably with the increase of density and then above a certain point of density it diminishes (Fig. 2). With increasing density the number of individuals which remained in the ruined food decreases in its percent in all stages of larvae (Fig. 4) but in absolute value it reaches to a maximum at an intermediate density (Table 1). With the increase of initial density (x) the head width of the adult (y) becomes small. In a relatively sparse population this decreasing trend can be followed by the auther's previous paper^<6)> where a and b are specific constants. Beyond a certain point of density the decreasing trend of the head width is relieved and it should approach to a certain level of value (Fig. 3). This shows that the density effect is operated by food in each density even though the larvae are able to emigrate. The availability of food which is measured by the number of emerged moths is remarkably high in this case comparing to the case when the larvae can not emigrate (Fig. 5). This is caused by the fact that some individuals in a population emigrate to the outside to reduce the larval mortality of the remainder.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1955-10-31
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- 幼虫期の米糠内での移動と生息密度コナマダラメイガの増殖能力におよぼす生息密度の影響VIII
- コナマダラメイガの増殖能力に及ぼす生息密度の影響 : VII.幼虫の令数および令期間に及ぼす生息密度の影響
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- 生活空間の形と幼虫個体間の相互作用 : コナマダラメイガ個体群の増殖におよぼす棲息密度の影響(VI)
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