幼虫の年令分布が個体群の増殖におよぼす影響 : コナマダラメイガの増殖能力におよぼす棲息密度の影響(V)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Using the almond moth, Ephestia cautella W., it was examined under the experimentally controlled condition of temperature (30℃) and relative humidity (70 per cent), how the initial egg density influences the number of moths emerged and the average head width of them when the number of eggs and the times of their introduction to the rice bran are changed. The mountain shaped relation between the egg density and the number of moths emerged was seen in the case of simultaneous introduction of eggs. But, when the eggs were put into the food in two or three times half by half or t third by a third respectively at given intervals, the relation was changed in its shape to the saturation type in consequence of the increase of number of moths in the higher densities and their decrease in the intermediate densities. In these latter cases the average head width of moths increased in the higher egg densities. The curvilinear relation between the initial egg density and the total number of eggs deposited in the next generation, which are expected to be deposited by the female moths emerged was obtained as shown in Fig. 5. This relation changes from a mountain shape to the saturation type by these experimental procedures in both cases of the representation (the reproduction curve) when the relation is calculated by their number and their average head width.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1959-07-01
- 野外におけるマツカレハ終令幼虫の選好的なクロマツ1年葉摂食
- ノシメマダラメイガ PLODIA INTERPUNCTELLA HUBNER のすかしば形質 : その発現の遺伝機構と温渡効果
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- 寄生蜂の作用による寄主密度の抑制と調節
- 低温のスジマダラメイガの発育におよぼす影響と異常性形質の発現について
- 密度調節機構の異なるコナマダラメイガ実験個体群間に生じた2,3の生態的性質の変化
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- コナマダラメイガ実験個体群における密度変動の研究
- 幼虫期の米糠内での移動と生息密度コナマダラメイガの増殖能力におよぼす生息密度の影響VIII
- コナマダラメイガの増殖能力に及ぼす生息密度の影響 : VII.幼虫の令数および令期間に及ぼす生息密度の影響
- こん虫の温度選好の新型実験装置
- 生活空間の形と幼虫個体間の相互作用 : コナマダラメイガ個体群の増殖におよぼす棲息密度の影響(VI)
- 幼虫の年令分布が個体群の増殖におよぼす影響 : コナマダラメイガの増殖能力におよぼす棲息密度の影響(V)
- ヨツモンマメゾウムシにみられた相に似た2型 III.
- Reproduction curveの型と個体群の特性
- 寄主と寄生蜂との相互作用系における両者の生活史の同時性
- 幼虫の発育に及ぼす食物の生物的条件付けの影響 : コナマダラメイガ個体群の増殖能力に及ぼす棲息密度の影響4
- コナマダラメイガの幼虫期の移動と棲息密度との関係