- 論文の詳細を見る
The vegetational zonation of sandy coasts in the San in District was studied in relation to depositional topography. The vegetation was divided into four zones (Z1-Z4). The first (Z1) was pioneer zone where only young plants were found in places. The second (Z2) was of grass communities which were divided into two subzones (Z2-a, Z2-b). Carex kobomugi was a dominant of Z2-a and Ischaemum anthephoroides of Z2-b. The third (Z3) was occupied by scrub demarcated by dominant growth of Vitex rotudifolia, and the fourth (Z4) was represented by plantations of Pinus thunbergii and Robinia pseudo-acasia. The Izumo coast faces north-west and receives prevailing NW-wind in winter and sand dunes develop. As dune height increases, Z2-a becomes narrower and Z2-b becomes wider. The Yumigahama coast, however, does not have prevailing winds in its front, so that dunes do not develop to make flat topography. The vegetation was found far from the shore-line. The Hojyo coast has well-developed dunes which are comparatively stable, because of the coarse beach sediments, leeward place and snow accumulation in winter. On the stable dune the narrow grasses of Z2 zone and Artemisia capillaris and Heteropappus hispidus var. arenarius on the third zone (Z3) were commonly found. The relationship between the zonation of the dune vegetation and topography was discussed with respect to the prevailing winds and the particle of the beach sediments.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1991-12-31
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