真社会性コハナバチLasioglossum duplexの北日本産2個体群の生態的比較
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The bionomics of a eusocial halictine bee Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) duplex (DALLA TORRE) was compared between two populations in northern Japan, those of Sapporo and Sendai. Although a slight phenological shift was observed, the life cycle pattern did not differ between the two populations, both of which consists of six phases involving two brood rearing periods, a spring solitary phase and a summer eusocial phase. Among other similarities, the rarity of spring semisociality and of nest reuse may be regarded as important species-specific characters. As for the differences between the two populations, (1) frequent preparation of multiple cell clusters in summer, (2) larger body size in both the queen and the workers, and (3) a smaller caste-linked size difference were noteworthy in Sendai. It is difficult to explain (1) by (3), because the social structure of summer colonies is similar in both populations, but the possibility that a social factor plays a role in (1) can not be precluded. Further comparisons of more remote populations of this and other halictine species are needed.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1985-03-30
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