汚濁河川水中の微生物群による有機物の嫌気的分解 : I有機酸発酵と硫酸還元
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Microbial metabolism occurring in the polluted river-water under anaerobic condition was analyzed from the standpoints of both anaerobic decomposition and self-purification. The result of surveys carried out on the River Sumida, Tokyo, revealed that sulfide formation was prominent especially during warmer season. In order to ellucidate the mechanism of this phenomenon, the river-water of the Sumida was brought into the laboratory experiments. When the river-water was incubated anaerobically at 35℃, vivid production of sulfide and decrease of sulfate were observed with the production of lower fatty acids. Of these acids, acetic acid was most abundant, and smaller amounts of butyric, propionic and formic acids were also recognized. From this medium, colonies of sulfate-reduction bacteria could be obtained by the use of solid lactate medium. To get more detailed information concerning the relation between sulfate reduction and organic acid metabolism, the microflora of the river-water was inoculated to the various synthetic media containing a single source of organic carbon. There was a significant reduction of sulfate in the presence of lactate, pyruvate, glucose, sucrose and starch but not in the presence of formate, acetate and propionate. Ethanol was slightly positive. Whenever any substrate was utilized as the hydrogen donor for sulfate reduction, acetate was produced most abundantiy as the stable end-product. In the light of the above-mentioned and other various data, it was assumed that carbohyrates discharged into the river-water underwent successive metabolism of lactic acid fermentation and sulfate reduction coupled with the formation of acetate from lactate.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1963-10-01
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