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The activated sludge acclimated to glucose accumulated a considerable amount of carbohydrate in the sludge immediately after contact with glucose. In this paper, the nature of this accumulated carbohydrate and its role on the substrate removal from the medium were investigated.The following results were obtained : (1) The activated sludge rapidly accumulated carbohydrate in the sludge as soon as exogenous glucose was added. This carbohydrate was mainly composed of glycogen-like polyglucose especially at high concentrations of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS).(2) The higher the initial MLSS, the more the removed glucose was incorporated into polyglucose.(3) Neither the lack of exogenous nitrogen nor that of phosphate affected considerably the rate of glucose removal and the amount of accumulated polyglucose. But these nutrients were required for utilization of the accumulated polyglucose.(4) Monoiodoacetic acid and 2,4-dinitrophhenol inhibited considerably the rate of polyglucose accumulation. At the same time the glucose removal was considerably retarded.(5) During the starvation of the polyglucose-rich sludge, the activity to remove glucose increased with increase in the capacity to accumulate polyglucose until the first 6 hr starvation.(6) In the activated sludge obtained from the practical sewage treatment plants, the capacity to accumulate polyglucose and the activity to remove glucose were considerably lower than those in the glucose-acclimated sludge.From the above results the polyglucose accumulation seems to contribute largely to the rapid removal of glucose from the medium in the glucose-acclimated sludge.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1970-06-25
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