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The distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria and acid-soluble sulfides was investigated on the bottom sediments of ten areas covering freshwater, brackish, and marine environments. Although both sulfate-reducing bacteria and sulfides had a tendency to increase with increasing organic matter content of bottom sediments, a large number of sulfate-reducing bacteria and abundant accumulation of sulfides were observed only for the sediments of marine and brackish environments, suggesting the importance of sulfate ion for the sulfate reduction in nature. In marine sediments where an abundant accumulation of organic matter was observed, both the number of sulfate-reducing bacteria and the concentration of sulfides decreased with increasing sediment depth. In marine enviroment, a relatively large number of sulfate-reducing bacteria could be found even in those sediments where organic matter was substantially lacking. Only the sulfate-reducing bacteria capable of growth in freshwater medium were detected in freshwater sediments, and those capable of growth in seawater medium in marine ones, while both types of sulfate-reducing bacteria could be found in estuarine sediments.
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