汚濁河川水中の微生物群による有機物の嫌気的分解 : III アミノ酸, 蛋白質およびその他数種の化合物からの脂肪酸生成
- 論文の詳細を見る
TEZUKA, Yasuhiko (Tokyo Metropoli. Univ., Tokyo) Anaerobic decomposition of organic matter by the microflora of polluted river-waters. III. The formation of fatty acids from amino acids, proteins and several other compounds. Jap. J. Ecol. 14. 91 -97 (1964). Anaerobic degradation of amino acids, proteins and several other compounds were investigated on media enriched with a single organic substrate or mixed substrates and inoculated with the microflora of the polluted water of the Sumida River, Tokyo. Of ten amino acids tested, which were added individually to the basal medium, glycine, β-alanine, L-proline, L-valine and L-phenylalanine were difficult to be attacked during the incubation time of five days at 35℃. On the other hand, L-cysteine, L-aspartate, L-glutamate, L-lysine and L-serine were metabolized almost completely under the same incubation conditions, and 43 to 75 per cent of the carbon added as substrates was recovered into that of the volatile fatty acids, of which acetate was predominant. In the case of these amino acids, except L-cysteine, the production of volatile fatty acids was coupled with sulfate reduction. L-cysteine gave rise to sulfide and acetate, though it was not utilized directly or indirectly as the substrate for sulfate reduction. Peptone, sodium caseinate, glycerol and citrate were all fermented with the formation of volatile fatty acids accompanied with sulfate reduction. Degradation of succinate, in which the formation of fatty acids and sulfate reduction were also recognized, was unique in that propionate was produced predominantly as the result of decarboxylation. Palmitate was metabolized slightly. Judging from their fermentation balance, glucose and peptone, being added to the mixture at various concentration ratios, seemed to be decomposed independently of each other.
- 日本生態学会の論文
- 1964-06-01
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- 汚濁河川水中の微生物群による有機物の嫌気的分解 : III アミノ酸, 蛋白質およびその他数種の化合物からの脂肪酸生成
- 汚濁河川水中の微生物群による有機物の嫌気的分解 : II 乳酸発酵と単離された乳酸生成菌の代謝
- 汚濁河川水中の微生物群による有機物の嫌気的分解 : I有機酸発酵と硫酸還元
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- 私と日本陸水学会との係わり
- 本栖湖の湖水と湖底泥中から分離された好気性従属栄養細菌の生理的性質