Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory
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Some recent progress in the quantum field theory based on the indefinite-metric Hillbert space is reviewed in a systematic way. Various problems (as shown in the table of contents below) are discussed extensively. The selection of topics is, however, dependent on the present author's interest ; undescribed topics do not necessarily mean to be unimportant. An almost complete exposition is given concerning the finitedimensional indefinite-metric space. On the indefinite-metric quantum field theory, the problem of interpretation and the unitarity of the physical S-matrix are discussed in detail. Also included are a number of new results and remarks on various existing theories. Some of them are construction of a field theory having only one Feynman integral, critical remarks on the quantization of a purely-imaginary-mass field and a criticism of the renormalization procedure of the Gupta-Bleuler quantum electrodynamics.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1973-05-31
- Subtlety in the Anomaly Calculation of String Theory in the Harmonic Gauge : Particles and fields
- A Simple Example of BRS Singlet Pair
- Operator-Formalism Approach to Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity in the Lightcone Gauge : Particles and Fields
- New Diagrammatic Method for Quantum Field Theory in the Heisenberg Picture. III : Its Proof in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. IV : Cauchy Problem Involving Noncommutative Quantities : Particles and Fields
- Kerr Metric, de Donder Condition and Gravitational Energy Density
- New Diagrammatic Method for Quantum Field Theory in the Heisenberg Picture. I : Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Wightman Functions in Covariant Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Wightman Functions in Covariant Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity. III : New Definition : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. II : Generally Covariantized Liouville-Like Theory : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. III : Two-Dimensional Nonabelian BF Theory : Particles and Fields
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity.XX : Superalgebra Unifying Quantum Gravity and Quantum Yang-Mills Field in the Suzuki Gauge : Particles and Fields
- Supersymmetric Extension of the Three-Dimensional Local Lorentz Symmetry and the Chern-Simons Term : Particles and Fields
- Zweibein Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. I : Quantum Electrodynamics : Particles and Fields
- Wightman Functions in Covariant Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity. II Composite Fields : Particles and Fields
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XII : Extended Superalgebra and Its Spontaneous Breakdown
- BRS Transformation as a Nonlinear Realization of the BRS Algebra and Its Extended One : Particles and Fields
- New Diagrammatic Method for Quantum Field Theory in the Heisenberg Picture. II : Various Models : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Operator Formalism of Quantum Einstein Gravity without Using C-Number Background Metric : Particles and Fields
- Covariant Operator Formalism of Quantum Einstein Gravity : Brief Review and Recent Development
- Remarks on the Infinite-Component Solutions to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
- De Donder Condition and the Gravitational Energy-Momentum Pseudotensor in General Relativity : Astrophysics and Relativity
- A General Survey of the Theory of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory
- Complex-dimensional Integral and Light-cone Singularities
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XI : Structure of Spontaneous Breakdown of the Superalgebra
- Color Confinement in Quantum Chromodynamics : Particles and Fields
- Remarks on the Robinson-Greenberg Theorem and Fundamental Properties of the Asymptotic Field
- Color Confinement in Quantum Chromodynamics. II : Particles and Fields
- On the Eigenvalues of the Wick-Cutkosky Model
- Duality between the Feynman Integral and a Perturbation Term of the Wightman Function
- Remarks on the Asymptotic-Field Approach to the Gauge Theory
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. III : Poincare Generators
- Operator Solution in Terms of Asymptotic Fields in the Pre-Schwinger Model
- Remarks on the Bethe-Salpeter Equation in a Model with Dynamical Higgs Mechanism
- On the Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes Obtained by Means of the Stereographic Projection in the Wick-Cutkosky Model
- Local Supersymmetry Different from Supergravity : Particles and Fields
- Electromagnetic Structure of the Nucleon. V : Numerical Results of Three-Pion-State Contributions
- Parametric Integral Formulas and Analytic Properties in Perturbation Theory
- Inequivalent Canonical Quantizations in Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formalism of Quantum Gravity-Systematic Presentation of the Theory-
- Validity of the Integral Representations for the Vertex Part in PerturbationTheory
- Operator Solutions in Terms of Asymptotic Fields in the Thirring and Schwinger Models
- Multiple Poles in the Scattering Green's Function and the Lightlike Limit of the Bethe-Salpeter Amplitude
- Free Massless Scalar Field in Two-Dimensional Space-Time
- General Solutions to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation of the Unequal-Mass Wick-Cutkosky Model
- Remarks on Eden's "Proof" of the Mandelstam Representation
- Proof of the Factorizability Theorem Conjectured by Sciarrino and Toller
- On the Validity of Multiple Dispersion Representations
- Propagator and Vertex Function of a Bound State in the Green's Function Formalism
- Operator Solutions in Terms of Asymptotic Fields in the Thirring and Schwinger Models. II
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. VII : Supplementary Remarks
- New Local Supersymmetry of the Vierbein Formalism and the dirac Theory
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XVII : Geometric Commutation Relation and the Four-Dimensional (Anti-)Commutator between Supercoordinates
- On the General Validity of the Unitarity Proof in the Kugo-Ojima Formalism of Gauge Theories
- Interchanging the Roles of Spacetime and Faddeev-Popov Ghost in Quantum Einstein Gravity. II : Particles and Fields
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XVI : Extension of Tensorlike Commutation Relations
- Indefinete-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. VI : Commutation Relations in the Vierbein Formalism
- Interchanging the Roles of Spacetime and Faddeev-Popov Ghost in Quantum Einstein Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Integral Representations for Scattering Amplitudes in Perturbation Theory
- Remarks on Scherk's Paper Entitled "Zero-Slope Limit of the Dual Resonance Model"
- Asymptotic Completeness and Confinement in the Massive Schwinger Model
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity
- Feynman-Parametric Formula for the Hankel-Transformed Position-Space Feynman Integral
- General Theory of Multiple Poles and Coinciding Simple Poles
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. VIII : Commutators Involving b_ρ
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. X : Sixteen-Dimensional Superspace
- Unequal-Mass Conspiracy for Arbitrary Spins
- Dipole-Ghost Goldstone Bosons in the Higgs Model and in the Schwinger Model
- Subtlety in the Anomaly Calculation of String Theory in the Harmonic Gauge
- A Simple Example of BRS Singlet Pair
- Operator-Formalism Approach to Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity in the Lightcone Gauge
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XIX : Gravitational Pauli-Jordan D Function : Particles and Fields
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity.XIII : Perturbation-Theoretical Approach
- A New Way of Describing the Lie Algebras Encountered in Quantum Field Theory
- Quantum Electrodynamics in the General Covariant Gauge
- Integral Representations for Scattering Amplitudes in Perturbation Theory. II