How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. III : Two-Dimensional Nonabelian BF Theory : Particles and Fields
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The two-dimensional nonabelian BF theory is studied, which turns out to be essentially the zeroth-order approximation to QCD in the framework of the newly proposed method of solving quantum field theory in the Heisenberg picture. The exact covariant operator solution and some lower-point exact Wightman functions are constructed explicitly. It is shown that there is no ultraviolet divergence in the Wightman functions. In the context of the BF theory, the system coupled with the Dirac field is also studied.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1993-02-25
ABE Mitsuo
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University
Abe Mitsuo
Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University
Nakanishi Noboru
Reseach Institure For Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
- Perturbative or Path-Integral Approach versus Operator-Formalism Approach--(1+1)D Quantum Gravity in Conformal Gauge〔和文〕 (場の量子論の基礎的諸問題と応用)
- Perturbative or Path-Integral Approach versus Operator-Formalism Approach
- Anomaly Problem in a Simple Model Analogous to the Lightcone-Gauge Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity (場及び弦の量子論における非摂動的手法)
- Subtlety in the Anomaly Calculation of String Theory in the Harmonic Gauge : Particles and fields
- A Simple Example of BRS Singlet Pair
- 光錐ゲージの2次元量子重力へのオペレーター形式によるアプローチ(量子場の理論の新しい展開,研究会報告)
- Operator-Formalism Approach to Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity in the Lightcone Gauge : Particles and Fields
- Covariant Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity〔邦文〕 (弦理論と量子重力の課題)
- New Diagrammatic Method for Quantum Field Theory in the Heisenberg Picture. III : Its Proof in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- 非可換量を含む線形常微分方程式に対する演算子法
- 臨界次元という概念はゲージによっては定義できない(放談室)
- 5p-H-10 ハイゼンベルグ描像でのゲージ理論と量子重力の共変的解法
- Covariant Operator Formalism of 2D Gravity : Unitarity and Exact Operator Solution
- c数計量を用いない4次元量子アインシュタイン重力の解法(素粒子の重力相互作用,研究会報告)
- Proof of Gauge Independence of the Conformal Anomaly of Bosonic String in the Sense of Kraemmer and Rebhan : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. IV : Cauchy Problem Involving Noncommutative Quantities : Particles and Fields
- Question on the Existence of Gravitational Anomalies(Particles and Fields)
- Kerr Metric, de Donder Condition and Gravitational Energy Density
- New Diagrammatic Method for Quantum Field Theory in the Heisenberg Picture. I : Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Wightman Functions in Covariant Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Wightman Functions in Covariant Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity. III : New Definition : Particles and Fields
- Supercurvature in the OSp(N,2;C) Extension of Local Lorentz Symmetry : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. II : Generally Covariantized Liouville-Like Theory : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. III : Two-Dimensional Nonabelian BF Theory : Particles and Fields
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity.XX : Superalgebra Unifying Quantum Gravity and Quantum Yang-Mills Field in the Suzuki Gauge : Particles and Fields
- Supersymmetric Extension of the Three-Dimensional Local Lorentz Symmetry and the Chern-Simons Term : Particles and Fields
- Zweibein Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. I : Quantum Electrodynamics : Particles and Fields
- Wightman Functions in Covariant Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity. II Composite Fields : Particles and Fields
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XII : Extended Superalgebra and Its Spontaneous Breakdown
- BRS Transformation as a Nonlinear Realization of the BRS Algebra and Its Extended One : Particles and Fields
- 数理物理学研究回顧(場の量子論の研究)
- 量子優先の原理と時空構造(場の量子論の研究)
- ファインマン・パラメーター積分公式と摂動論における解析性(場の量子論の研究)
- False Gravitational Anomalies
- New Diagrammatic Method for Quantum Field Theory in the Heisenberg Picture. II : Various Models : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Operator Formalism of Quantum Einstein Gravity without Using C-Number Background Metric : Particles and Fields
- Covariant Operator Formalism of Quantum Einstein Gravity : Brief Review and Recent Development
- Remarks on the Infinite-Component Solutions to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
- De Donder Condition and the Gravitational Energy-Momentum Pseudotensor in General Relativity : Astrophysics and Relativity
- A General Survey of the Theory of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory
- Complex-dimensional Integral and Light-cone Singularities
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XI : Structure of Spontaneous Breakdown of the Superalgebra
- Color Confinement in Quantum Chromodynamics : Particles and Fields
- Remarks on the Robinson-Greenberg Theorem and Fundamental Properties of the Asymptotic Field
- Color Confinement in Quantum Chromodynamics. II : Particles and Fields
- On the Eigenvalues of the Wick-Cutkosky Model
- Duality between the Feynman Integral and a Perturbation Term of the Wightman Function
- Remarks on the Asymptotic-Field Approach to the Gauge Theory
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. III : Poincare Generators
- Operator Solution in Terms of Asymptotic Fields in the Pre-Schwinger Model
- Remarks on the Bethe-Salpeter Equation in a Model with Dynamical Higgs Mechanism
- On the Bethe-Salpeter Amplitudes Obtained by Means of the Stereographic Projection in the Wick-Cutkosky Model
- Local Supersymmetry Different from Supergravity : Particles and Fields
- Electromagnetic Structure of the Nucleon. V : Numerical Results of Three-Pion-State Contributions
- Parametric Integral Formulas and Analytic Properties in Perturbation Theory
- Inequivalent Canonical Quantizations in Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Formalism of Quantum Gravity-Systematic Presentation of the Theory-
- Validity of the Integral Representations for the Vertex Part in PerturbationTheory
- Operator Solutions in Terms of Asymptotic Fields in the Thirring and Schwinger Models
- Multiple Poles in the Scattering Green's Function and the Lightlike Limit of the Bethe-Salpeter Amplitude
- Free Massless Scalar Field in Two-Dimensional Space-Time
- General Solutions to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation of the Unequal-Mass Wick-Cutkosky Model
- Remarks on Eden's "Proof" of the Mandelstam Representation
- Proof of the Factorizability Theorem Conjectured by Sciarrino and Toller
- On the Validity of Multiple Dispersion Representations
- Propagator and Vertex Function of a Bound State in the Green's Function Formalism
- Operator Solutions in Terms of Asymptotic Fields in the Thirring and Schwinger Models. II
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. VII : Supplementary Remarks
- New Local Supersymmetry of the Vierbein Formalism and the dirac Theory
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XVII : Geometric Commutation Relation and the Four-Dimensional (Anti-)Commutator between Supercoordinates
- On the General Validity of the Unitarity Proof in the Kugo-Ojima Formalism of Gauge Theories
- Interchanging the Roles of Spacetime and Faddeev-Popov Ghost in Quantum Einstein Gravity. II : Particles and Fields
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XVI : Extension of Tensorlike Commutation Relations
- Indefinete-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. VI : Commutation Relations in the Vierbein Formalism
- Interchanging the Roles of Spacetime and Faddeev-Popov Ghost in Quantum Einstein Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Integral Representations for Scattering Amplitudes in Perturbation Theory
- Remarks on Scherk's Paper Entitled "Zero-Slope Limit of the Dual Resonance Model"
- Asymptotic Completeness and Confinement in the Massive Schwinger Model
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity
- Feynman-Parametric Formula for the Hankel-Transformed Position-Space Feynman Integral
- General Theory of Multiple Poles and Coinciding Simple Poles
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. VIII : Commutators Involving b_ρ
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. X : Sixteen-Dimensional Superspace
- Unequal-Mass Conspiracy for Arbitrary Spins
- Dipole-Ghost Goldstone Bosons in the Higgs Model and in the Schwinger Model
- Anomaly Problem in a Simple Model Analogous to the Lightcone-Gauge Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Perturbative or Path-Integral Approach versus Operator-Formalism Approach
- Subtlety in the Anomaly Calculation of String Theory in the Harmonic Gauge
- A Simple Example of BRS Singlet Pair
- Operator-Formalism Approach to Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity in the Lightcone Gauge
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XIX : Gravitational Pauli-Jordan D Function : Particles and Fields
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity.XIII : Perturbation-Theoretical Approach
- Anomaly Problem in a Simple Model Analogous to the Lightcone-Gauge Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
- Proof of Gauge Independence of the Conformal Anomaly of Bosonic String in the Sense of Kraemmer and Rebhan : Particles and Fields
- A New Way of Describing the Lie Algebras Encountered in Quantum Field Theory
- Quantum Electrodynamics in the General Covariant Gauge
- Integral Representations for Scattering Amplitudes in Perturbation Theory. II