Dipole-Ghost Goldstone Bosons in the Higgs Model and in the Schwinger Model
- 論文の詳細を見る
The Higgs model is analyzed in the framework of indefinite-metric quantum field theory. It is shown that Goldstone bosons become dipole ghosts in the linear covariant gauges other than the Landau gauge. It is also shown in the covariant-gauge formalism that the Schwinger model (the two-dimensional massless quantum electrodynamics) is quite analogous to the Higgs model as far as Goldstone bosons are concerned.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1975-09-25
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- New Diagrammatic Method for Quantum Field Theory in the Heisenberg Picture. I : Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity : Particles and Fields
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