図画工作科授業「仲間わけをしよう : ぼくらは芸術鑑定団」の実践と検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a practical study of a lesson on art appreciation. The lesson was given to 38 six-grade pupils at elementary school. A hypothetical situation was created in which the pupils were all connoisseurs of fine arts, and they looked nine works of art painted by three painters; three works by Paul Signac, three by VincentVan Gogh, and three by Paul Klee. The information of these works, for example, the names of the paintings, the names of painters, and so on, were withheld at first. Pupils compaired these works of art with one another and divided them into three groups based on their own critiques. Then they discussed their impressions of the individual pictures and the characteristics of the three groups, and appreciated them. After this practice, the activity was examined from the following viewpoints: 1. creating a hypothetical situation in which the pupils were all connoisseurs of fine arts 2. instructing the pupils in a method of comparing works of art 3. using prints of works of art 4. selections of works of arts 5. pupils' words of expression on art appreciation
- 美術科教育学会の論文
- 1997-03-31
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