- 論文の詳細を見る
Rehabilitation Engineering has a large role in the prevention of pressure sores, combined pressure, the period of time above critical values, and the decrease of tissue viability. Sensors systems that measure the interface pressure between the human body and cushions have developed functions that are able to measure wide surfaces, in real time and with compact units. The compact makes it possible to monitor the interface pressure in a wheelchair for a long period of time to facilitate the study of daily activities. The dynamic engineering methods used include pelvic modeling and Finite Element Methods. Also, calculations using the theory of elasticity were used to model the structure of both soft tissues and the cushion. Open and closed systems were both developed and used in CADCAM systems to design the shape of the interface. An open system was used to measure the subject's buttocks directly. A closed system was used with pressure sensors with a feedback method. Important methods to correct pressure distribution include posture support devices that are able to control the subject's posture. The International Organization for Standard (ISO/TC 173/SC 1/WG 11) is making a standard for wheelchair seating that includes "Test methods for devices intended to manage tissue integrity, Seat Cushions". They have utilized many test methods to select cushions. Patients with spinal cord injuries who take part in social activities meet many of the causative criteria for developing pressure sores. A rehabilitation team in the hospital will have to find a cause and teach the supportive actions to alleviate the suffering.
- 社団法人日本リハビリテーション医学会の論文
- 2002-08-18
廣瀬 秀行
廣瀬 秀行
廣瀬 秀行
廣瀬 秀行
国立障害者リハビリテーションセ 研
廣瀬 秀行
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