The effects of introduced goats on the ecosystem of Uotsuri-jima, Senkaku Islands, Japan, as assessed by remote-sensing techniques
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The ecosystem of Uotsuri-jima, one of the islands in the Senkaku Archipelago, off southwestern Japan, has probably been devastated by a dramatic increase in goats (Capra aegarus) since their deliberate introduction in 1978. Because the Senkaku Islands are claimed as national territory by China, Taiwan, and Japan, scientific researchers have been unable to land on Uotsuri-jima, nor have there been opportunities to eradicate the goats there. The effects of the goats on the vegetation of the island were assessed therefore using remote-sensing techniques : aerial photographs, Landsat satellite images, and an IKONOS satellite image. The results showed that bare patches have emerged in several areas, and that particular floral communities on the raised coral reefs may have already been lost. Since the flora of the sub-canopy layers are not visible beneath the dense forest canopy that covers most of the island, using current remote-sensing methods, very little is known about the extent of damage to the flora of these layers. Land-based surveys are thus urgently required to assess the condition of the flora and to control the introduced goats.
- 野生生物保護学会の論文
横畑 泰志
横畑 泰志
横畑 泰志
YOKOTA Masatsugu
Laboratory of Ecology and Systematics, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus
横畑 泰志
横畑 泰志
Yokohata Y
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Yokohata Yasushi
Laboratory Of Environmental Biology Faculty Of Education Toyama University
Ikeda Yukio
Laboratory of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Education, Toyama University
Ishizaki Hideharu
Division of Environmental Resource, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Yokota Masatsugu
Laboratory Of Ecology And Systematics Department Of Chemistry Biology And Marine Science Faculty Of
Ishizaki Hideharu
Division Of Environmental Resource Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Ikeda Yukio
Laboratory Of Environmental Biology Faculty Of Education Toyama University:(present Address)hi2 Comp
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