花粉の生理学的研究(第1報) : ペチュニア花粉の発芽に及ぼす炭水化物の影響
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The results of the foundamental investigations on the physiology of petunia-pollen are summari.zed as fcllows : - 1) The germination tests with petunia-pollen were conductcd on various germination-media with 1% agar-agar containing lactose, maltose, sucrose, glu cose, fructose, galactose, rhamnose and xylose respectively and with sugarless medium as control. Disaccharide media were satisfactory for the pollen-gerrnination and the pollen-tube elongation. Their optimum concentration was nearly 0.8 mol. The percentage of pollen germination on monosaccharide media was lower than not only that on the other sugar media, but also that on the control medium. Therefor, it was considered that monosaccharides have an inhibiting effedt on the pollen-germination. But galactose medium was the exceptior., for the pollen-ge,rmination was as well as on the disaccharide medium. And pollen on the mannose medium was not germinated at all.
- 日本育種学会の論文
- 1954-12-30
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