血清中ジゴキシン濃度測定のためのEnzyme Immunometric Assayの評価
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Enzyme immunometric assay (EIMA method) for determination of serum digoxin concentration was evaluated. The coefficient of variation of within-run and between-run precision for 3 concentrations of digoxin in serum (0.85, 1.5, 3.0 ng/ml) was less than 6.0%. The serum digoxin (47 samples) concentrations were determined by EIMA method and compared with those determined by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA method). There were good agreement between results by FPIA method and those by EIMA method, where correlation coefficient was more than 0.993. The cross-reactivities of methyldigoxin, lanatoside C, digoxigenin, digitoxin, proscillaridin and k-strophanthin at 2 ng/ml were found. No clinically significant interference was observed with endogenous substances at concentrations below 415 mg/dl hemoglobin, 400 mg/dl cholesterol, 500 mg/dl triglycerides and 10 mg/dl bilirubin. The digoxin-like substances in plasma of renal insufficient patients caused minimal interference. From these results, EIMA method may be useful for serum drug-level monitoring of patients under the digoxin therapy.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 1991-06-20
西原 カズヨ
春山 尚美
西原 カズヨ
西原 カズヨ
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