- 論文の詳細を見る
On the basis of the questionnaires sent back from 426 institutions, we investigated the actual conditions and moot points of the equipments for dispensing. Powder packing machine has spread to 98.6% of total institutions surveyed, and it has become indispensable for hospital pharmacies. Compared with the results of the study previously made in 1969, both the rate and number of the institutions installed with the equipment have increased, and the efficiency of the device has been improved. Recently, automatic dividing and packing machine has been used very widely. The rate of institutions having tablet crushers for dispensing remained as low as 60.1%, and that of those having mixers for dispensing was far lower, 37.1%. 0ne-dose packaging was practiced, in various ways, at 67.4% of institutions. Drug dust clearing system was installed at 55.2%, and 2/3 of the institutions reported that the system helped prevent pharmacy allergy. Most of the non-installed hospitals desired to have such system.
- 1980-05-20
吉川 学
吉川 学
Hospital Pharmacy, Medical Department, Kyushu University
堀岡 正義
梅津 剛吉
吉川 学
Hospital Pharmacy Medical Department Kyushu University
仲道 稚香子
北島 麻利子
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