穗上位置による稲種子の発芽力について : (第2報) 未熟種子の発芽
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. There is a close relation between the development of germinative power of immature seeds and their kernel development which depends upon the location on the panicle. 2. In regard to the dried hulled kernel, the superior kernels on the panicle obtain the germinative power from the 7th to the 9th day after flowering, whereas the inferior kernels from the 9th to the 12th day. The rice embryo obtains the geminative power when its morphological development is completed.(Fig.2) 3. In regard to the dried unhulled grain, the superior grains on the panicle obtain the germinative power in 9-15 days and the inferior grains in 15-30 days after flowering. The unhulled grain requires some farther development of kernel to germinate than the hulled kernel, because the small seedling must emerge out of the hull which may be broken by the expansion of kernel and the mechanical power of seedling.(fig.3,4) 4. concerning to the fresh unhulled grain, the superior grains awake from dormancy and obtain the germinative power in 22-35 days, and the inferior grains in 30-50 days after flowering.(Fig.5,6)
- 日本作物学会の論文
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