過酸化石灰による作物に対する酸素の給供 (予報)
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With the purpose of supplying oxygen artificially to the plant which is suffering from poor soil aeration, the author exzamined several kinds of known inorganic peroxides which can release oxygen gradually whenever it comes in contact with excessive water in the soil and which is harmful neither to the plant nor to the soil properties. Among the compounds examined, calcium peroxide, CaO_2, was found to be most promising. Therefore, the author carried out the following experiments. (1) Release of oxygen from CaO_2 in the water. 1gram of CaO_2 and CaO_2 mixed with the soil were placed in the water and the amount of gas released from CaO_2 was measured for two months(Fig.1). It was proved that CaO_2 releases oxygen very slowly even in the water. (2) Effect of CaO_2 on the germination and on the growth of rice and barley plants. Under various conditions of seed-bed, i.e., temperature, amonut of CaO_2 used, depth of soil where seeds were placed, or the depth of the flooding water over the seed-bed were varied, CaO_2was distinctive in promoting the germination and also the growth (Tables 1,2,and 3).
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1952-12-20
- 水稲の登熟に関する研究 : 第I報 登熟に於ける窒素の役割について
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- "Weeds"第11巻の内容紹介
- "Weeds"第2巻の内容紹介
- 作物の生長および発育の化学的制御
- "Weeds"について
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- 過酸化石灰による作物に対する酸素の給供 (予報)
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- "Weeds"第12巻の内容紹介
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