作物の呼吸作用に關する研究 : 第一報 呼吸作用測定裝置及び一, 二の實驗結果
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(1) Apparatus for measuring respiration. In order to measure the respiration several procedures for measuring carbon-dioxide exchange between plant and air have been employed, such as volumetric, gasometric, gravimetric and electrometric, etc. All of these methods have left much to be desired either of convenience or accuracy. Of all methods the electrometric, particularly, the electro-conductivity method, is the most advanced one as concerned with the principle and the method of measuring itself. So that we attempted to construct a convenient and acurate apparatus by employing the electroconductivity method (Fig. 1). (1) Aspirator : Using three injector tubes as pistons which may be operated by means of a motor, we can force out a constant stream of air-flow of about 5〜50 litres per hour (Fig. 2). The Amount of air-flow may be adjusted by the velocity of rotation of the motor. (2) Air-flow thus forced out goes through the carbon-dioxide free air is introduced into the respiration-chamber, in which the plants are growing. (3) Respiration-chamber : Special device is given for the shape of respiration-chamber (Fig. 3). Amount of transpiration is easily measured by weighing, and even under the condition of over-saturated soil moisture content it may be also easily measured by the use of an attachment. During the measurement, respiration-chamber is kept in the water of bath of constant temperature. (4) Measuring carbon-dioxide amount by electro-conductance of the equivalent sodium carbonate solution, conductivity of the absorbent (sodium hydroxide solution) is measured using golden electrodes before and after the carbon-dioxide absorption occurs, and the difference due to the formation of sodium carbonate caused by the carbon-dioxide absorption is represented by the indicator-needle of the ammeter. (2) Effect of excessive soil moisture on the respiration. Wheat, barley (hulled and hull-less variety), soybean and rice seedlings were grown by sand-culture with modified "Knop's solution", and as they grow to some extent, half pots of each crops were treated with the excessive supply of water to the sand-bed. The influence of excessive water condition, thus given to the root part, on the respiration rates and other physiological activity of the top part was studied. (1) Soon after the plants are treated with excessive moisture supply, respiration rate of the top part of the plants shows marked response, i. e. within at least 3 hours after treatment the respiration is reduced to about 50〜40% of that of control plant (Fig. 4). On the other hand there are the slight decreases in soybean and rice, reducing to about 80〜90% of that of control plant (Fig. 5). (2) The reduction of respiration seems to recover gradually, but after five days the effected wheat and barley still show about 50〜70% of that of control plant, and soybean about 95%. On the contrary rice seedlings show a definite increase over control plant within at least two or three days after treatment. Thus rice seedlings show the different reaction to the excessive soil moisture content as compared with the other crops. (3) It is also found that absorption of water by roots is reduced by the treatment. Not only "passive absorption" of water but also "active absorption" is inhibited by the excessive moisture condition, and as a result plants show decreased turgor pressure and also decreased water content of the body.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1951-03-30
- 水稲の登熟に関する研究 : 第I報 登熟に於ける窒素の役割について
- 水稲根の生理的活力に及ぼす灌漑水の滲透の影響
- "Weeds"第11巻の内容紹介
- "Weeds"第2巻の内容紹介
- 作物の生長および発育の化学的制御
- "Weeds"について
- 作物の呼吸作用に関する研究 : 第8報 水稲根の呼吸と窒素吸収との関係 (第118回 講演会)
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- 水稲の光合成に関する研究 (第3報)
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- 作物の呼吸作用に関する研究 : 第4報 呼級作用に及ぼす2, 4-Dの影響
- 作物の呼吸作用に関する研究 : 第3報 水稻体内のガス, 特に根組織内のガスに就て
- 作物の呼吸作用に関する研究 : 第2報 水稻体各部呼吸量の発育に伴う消長
- 過酸化石灰による作物に対する酸素の給供 (予報)
- 作物の呼吸作用に關する研究 : 第一報 呼吸作用測定裝置及び一, 二の實驗結果
- 作物の呼吸作用に関する研究 : 第7報 : 水稲根による二価鉄の酵素的酸化
- 作物の生長と発育の化学的制御に関する研究 : (3) スタム-34 (3, 4-dichloropropionanilide)の作用性
- 18. ノビエ休眠覚醒にかんする研究
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- 作物の生長と発育の化学的制御に関する研究 : (2) Naphthaleneacetic acidおよび2, 3, 5-triiobenzoic acidが水稲の生育におよぼす影響
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- "Weeds"第12巻の内容紹介
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