甜菜の糖生産に及ぼす温度の影響に関する研究 : 第1報 生育に及ぼす温度の影響
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The effect of temperature on the growth of sugar beet at different stages of growth has been studied. The sugar beet plants of variety GW 359, grown in Wagner pots under natural condition, were subjected to temperature treatments in which the plants were grown under the temperature of 15℃, 20℃ and 30℃ for 30 days. One group was exposed to similar temperature conditions in its early stage of growth, one in its middle stage and the other one in its later stage (Fig. 1). Plants were harvested at the end of treatments for determination of dry matter production, leaf area, leaf numbers and total-sugar concentration. Results obtained are as follows. 1 Throughout all the growth stages, the total dry matter increase of whole plant is highest under 20℃ At the early stage, the increase of total dry weight is more in the plants which have been exposed to 30℃ than those exposed to 15℃. But this becomes reverse at the middle and at the later stages. Dry weight of tap root increases most under 20℃, then under 15℃ and least under 30℃. As regards the top of plants, it is found that the dry matter increase of the petiole is generally retarded under 15℃ (Table 1). 2 The total leaf area always becomes maximum under 20℃, then under 30℃ and least under 15℃. From the other results on leaf number and leaf area per one leaf blade, it is clarified that as the beneficial effect of high temperature on leaf expansion of one leaf blade is very little in comparison with its harmful effect on leaf number increase, the total leaf area is less under 30℃ than under 20℃ and that the less total leaf area under 15℃ is due to the harmful effect of low temperature both on leaf expansion and on leaf number increase (Table. 2, Fig. 2). In the early stage, a positive correlation between the leaf area and total dry matter increase is seen. But no such correlation is seen between them at the middle stage and at the later stage (Table 1, Table 2). These phenomenon can be explained by the following assumption: As the plant grows, the non-photosynthesizing organ begins to occupy more and more portion of the whole plant and as the results, the dry mattes production becomes more and more influenced by respiration rather than by photosynthesis. 3 The ratio of dry matter increase of tap root to top is generally higher under low temperature with an exception of middle stage at which this ratio becomes highest under 20℃ (Fig. 3). 4 The lower the temperature, the higher the total sugar concentration of leaf blade, petiole and tap root. As regards the total-sugar concentration of tap root, it is found that its difference is little among three plots at early stage, but it becomes remarkable at the later stage. This different effect of temperature with different stage is also true with the dry matter increase ratio of tap root to top, as described above. These facts suggest that sugar beet possesses self reguratory mechanism for modifing the effect of temperature on sugar accumulation in tap root (Fig. 4). 5 At the early and at the middle stages, the beneficial effect of the temperature of 15℃ on total-sugar concentration in tap root is so little that sugar produced under 15℃ is actually less than that produced under 20℃, which is the beneficial temperature for dry matter increase of tap root. In the later stage, however, the total-sugar content in tap rot becomes more under 15℃ than under 20℃, as the beneficial effect of the temperature of 15℃ on sugar concentration is more in comparison with the beneficial effect of temerature of 20℃ on dry matter increase. Under the temperature of 30℃, the sugar content of the tap root is always least due to the harmful effect of high temperature on sugar concentration and dry matter increase of the tap root (Fig. 5).
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1963-04-05
- 刈取りと施肥の処理がパニカム属6草種・品種の越冬性と関連する生長形質に及ぼす影響
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- 1-22 矮性ネピアグラスの乾物生産性に及ぼす栽植密度の影響
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- 1-4 ハイブリットネピアグラスと暖地型マメ科牧草との不均等密度の混植における乾物生産性, 光合成特性および飼料品質の草種間差異
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- 69 オーチャードグラスの乾物生産に及ぼす多肥と植物生長調節剤の影響
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- 刈り取りの高さ及び時期がネピアグラスの再生速度に及ぼす影響
- 第13集 日本の畑作(その4) : 南九州畑作の現状と今後の展望
- ネピアグラス (西南暖地における熱帯及び亜熱帯作物の栽培とその利用)
- 3 前歴の施肥量を異にするオーチャードグラスの追肥に対する生長反応
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- 111 キクユグラスとセタリアグラスの生長に及ぼすジベレリン処理とCCC処理の影響
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- 作物の瓦斯代謝作用に関する研究 : IV. 水稲の登熟期における種々の同化器管の稔実への貢献のしかた
- 夏播きソルゴー(Sorghum bicolor Moench)の秋から冬の立枯れ貯蔵期間が越冬後の春の再生に及ぼす影響
- 植え付け後3年目のネピアグラス(Pennisetum purpureum Schumach)における越冬前の刈取り強度と覆土が翌春の再生に及ぼす影響
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- ネピアグラスにおける刈取りの開始時期および高さが in-vitro 可消化乾物収量に及ぼす影響
- 4 夏播きソルゴーの立枯れ貯蔵期間が翌春の再生に及ぼす影響
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- ネピアグラスの乾物生産性に及ぼす刈り取り高さの影響
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- 小集会B 牧草の乾物生産(47年度春季発表会小集会記録要旨)
- 16 秋の刈取高さがネピアグラスの越冬後の春の再生に及ぼす影響
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- 43 数種の暖地型イネ科牧草の越冬前後における個体群光合成速度の変化
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- 暖地型牧草の越冬性に関する研究 : 第1報 播種期を変えて秋播きしたダリスグラス(Paspalum dilatatum Poir.)およびバヒアグラス(Paspalum notatum Flugge.)の初冬に至るまでの乾物の生産および分配
- 宮崎における暖地型イネ科牧草数草種の越冬前後の個体群光合成速度
- 68 ネピアグラスの地上部の生長と乾物収量に及ぼす矮化剤「パクロブトラゾール」処理の影響
- 栽植密度を異にするネピアグラス(Pennisetum purpureum Schumach)の葉面積指数と個体群生長速度との関係
- 甜菜の光合成に関する研究 : 第3報 群落光合成
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- ネピアグラスの乾物生産に関する研究 : 第3報 東京及び宮崎における葉位別の個葉の面積及び光-光合成関係
- ネピアグラスの乾物生産に関する研究 : 第1報 東京と宮崎とにおける乾物生産力及び生長パラメーターの比較
- 甜菜の糖生産に及ぼす温度の影響に関する研究 : 第1報 生育に及ぼす温度の影響
- 甜菜の糖生産過程ならびに糖収量におよぼす温度の影響 : 第1報 温度が乾物生産と生育の傾向におよぼす影響 (第132回 講演会)
- 水稲の初期生育に関する研究 (第131回 講演会)