- 論文の詳細を見る
This experiment was undertaken to analyse the influence of shading on growth and fiber yield of Mitsumata, Edgeworthia papryifera Sieb. et Zucc. under pot cultured conditions from 1973 to 1978. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. The plant height increased very markedly with decrease of sunlight. While the thickening growth of stem was not affected by shading. The leaf growth increased in area by shading. 2. The relative growth rates (RGR) increased with increasing light intensity in the early stage of the experiment. While, in the late stage, the RGR was a little higher in most heavy shading plot than in full sunlight. 3. The net assimilation rate (NAR) generally decreased with increasing degree or shading. As the plants grew, the NAR reduced progressively in all the plots. The leaf area ratio (LAR) increased with decreasing light intensity. 4. In early stage, the distribution ratio of producted dry matter to leaf was larger than to the other organs. While, in late growth stage,it was larger to root than leaf. Consequently, T/R ratio and stem weight/totatl plant weight ratio has rised according to the shading. 5. Total plant weight gradually increased with increasing degree of shading. The highest growth was observed in 40% shading. Stem weight and fiber yield per plant was the highest in 40% shading too. But thc highest fiber rate was obtained in 80% shading. 6. Thus, the influence of shading on growth and fiber yield of Mitsumata plant was observed very markedly. The optimum shading on its growth is considered to be about 40% of full sunlight.
- 1980-06-30
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