- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Extremely early maturing barley, Saikai-kawa 24, was sown Sep. 1 and Sep. 8 in 1978 at Kyushu Natl. Agric. Exp. Stn., Chikugo, Fukuoka. Seed rate was 400 kernels/m^2. Seed was drilled. The distance between the rows was 18 cm. The field was irrigated occasionally. Plants grew vigorously. Grain matured and was harvested in late Dec.-early Jan. Aphid, leaf miner and cutworm were controlled by insecticides. No serious diseases were observed. The area of 0.216 m^2 (3 rows × 40 cm length) × 2 were harvested every 2 weeks excluding roots and the changes in the growth were traced. 2. Seed germination and seedling establishment were good. Plants headed 44-45 days after sowing. Culm length was 53-64 cm. Total dry weight (excluding roots) estimated by harvesting 1.62 m^2 (3 rows × 3 m length) × 2 was 60.0-91.1 kg/a and grain weight was 32.1-43.4 kg/a. Total weight increased rapidly from 2weeks before heading to 6 weeks after heading. On 84 days after sowing (Sown Sep. 1: Nov. 24, sown Sep. 8: Dec. 1), total weight was near to the maximum value. Plants sown Sep. 8 grew better than those sown Sep. 1. Plants topdressed (basal dressing, 1.0 kg nitrogen/a, plus topdressing, 0.5 kg nitrogen/a) grew better than those not topdressed (basal dressing 1.0 kg nitrogen/a, only). 3. Maximum LAI was 3.30-6.13. Mean CGR during the rapidly growing period (Sown Sep. 1: Sep. 30-Nov. 24, sown Sep. 8: Oct. 7-Dec. 1) was 11.3-19.1 (g/m^2/day). Mean CGR of 84 days after sowing was 8.1-13.9. NAR before heading was 4.32-7.76(g/m^2/day). RGR before heading was 0.095-0.156 (g/g/day). The efficiency of solar energy utilization (Eu) was estimatcd calculating (dry matter production × 4000 cal/g)/(solar radiation). Mean Eu during the rapidly growing period was 1.63-2.93%. Mean Eu of 84 days after sowing was 1.09-1.99%. LAI, CGR and Eu values of plants sown Sep. 8 or topdressed were higher than those of plants sown Sep. 1 or not topdressed. 4. The values of CGR, RGR, NAR and Eu of late-summer sown barley were nearly as high as those of other high yielding summer crops and rapidly growing winter barley. It is concluded that the high dry matter production of late-summer sown barley was obtained because of the high growth rate resulting from the efficiently utilized solar energy and the high net assimilation rate from the beginning of the growth.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1979-12-30
- 24 DBC法による高リジン大麦の検定
- 大麦の蛋白質改良育種に関する研究 : 蛋白質とアミノ酸の簡易分析法としてのBiuret法とDye-Binding法,およびその応用例
- カンショの近交係数と収量との関係
- カンショの貯蔵腐敗の品種系統間差異
- カンショにおける高糖系統選抜について
- コンピュータを利用したカンショ育種試験成績のとりまとめ方法
- 二条種裸性オオムギ系統の育成
- カンショ硬実種子の硫酸処理
- 非醸造用大麦育種試験成績のデ-タベ-ス化とその利用--育種とコンピュ-タ-23-
- 夏まき栽培したオオムギの生長解析
- 穂選抜したオオムギ種子の播種器の試作
- 14 オオムギの二期作栽培
- 二・三の環境条件が稲葉身気孔密度に及ぼす影響
- 過去9年間の二条大麦育種試験選抜効果
- 84 各種用途の大麦品種の育成
- 系統用播種機の試作とその性能
- 50 大麦葉の気孔数の多少が光合成と蒸散におよぼす影響.
- 大麦葉の気孔数の多少が光合成と蒸散におよぼす影響〔英文〕
- カンショ育成系統の近交係数
- カンショの収量や収量関係形質の年次間相関
- カンショ育種試験成績のデータベース化
- 夏まきオオムギの施肥法と子実収量との関係
- 夏まきオオムギ品種の特性
- オオムギの気孔数について: V.気孔の大きさと蒸散速度および光合成速度との関係
- オオムギの気孔数について: IV.呼吸を考慮した場合の葉肉抵抗の推定法
- オオムギの気孔数について : III.気孔数と他の形質との関係
- オオムギの気孔数について : II.気孔の分布と気孔数の品種間差および遺伝力
- オオムギの気孔数について : I.気孔数と光合成速度との関係