- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of light and air temperature on early growth of ten corn varieties grown in pots were studied. Three levels of light intensity, i.e., 100, 75 and 45% of full sunlight were provided by shading in three different seasons of the year. (Table 1). The ten varieties used in this experiment can be divided into two groups with respect to their response to light intensity (Fig. 1). In the first group, crop growth rate (CGR) increased with light intensity from 45% to 75% of sunlight beyond which there was no further increase in CGR (light-saturated type). In the second group, CGR increased almost linearly with increasing light intensity up to 1OO% of sunlight (light-unsaturated type). In light-unsaturated type, development of leaf area (LA) increased with light intensity and the highest LA was showed at 100% of sunlight, but in light-saturated type, the highest LA was showed at 75% of sunlight (Fig. 2). Net assimilation rate (NAR) increased with light intensity in both types. CGR increased exponentially with air temperature from 14℃ to 22℃ under full sunlight condition (Fig. 3). The relationship between individual values of CGR and mean value of CGR in four varieties was analyzed by FINLAY and WILKINSON'S adaptability index method (Fig. 6). Variety Hokuyu, one of the light-saturated group, developed and cultivated in Hokkaido, the cool region of Japan, had higher values of CGR under low air temperature and low sunlight conditions than three other varieties. Under favorable environments, however, variety Ko No. 10, one of the light-unsaturated group developed and cultivated in Kyushu, the warm region of Japan, had much higher CGR than others. Hence, it was suggested that combination of the above two characteristics, high CGR under both unfavorable and favorable environments, would be most desirable for high yielding in the cool region.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1977-03-30
- 日長時間・気温・日射量およびこれらの要因の相互作用が主たる寒地型牧草の生育におよぼす影響
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- 生育初期段階におけるトウモロコシ品種の乾物生産におよぼす日射量と気温の影響
- 飼料用トウモロコシの栽培環境と生産性 : IV.個体密度,播種期および施肥量がトウモロコシ生産に及ぼす影響
- 飼料用トウモロコシの栽培環境と生産性 : III.高密度栽培によるトウモロコシの生産力向上
- 飼料用トウモロコシの栽培環境と生産性 : II.トウモロコシ品種の生産に及ぼす遮光処理の影響
- チモシー個葉の光合成速度とSLA(比葉面積)との関係
- 生育初期段階におけるトウモロコシ品種の乾物生産におよぼす気温と日射量の影響
- 52. 生育初期段階におけるトウモロコシ品種の乾物生産特性(I. 年次講演会,昭和49年度 年次、月例講演会およびシンポジウム要旨)
- 数種在来イネ科野草の生態特性と乾物生産 : III.ミヤコザサの冬芽ならびに新地下茎の形成に及ぼす日長の影響
- 数種在来イネ科野草の生態特性と乾物生産 : II.刈取りの時期および回数がミヤコザサ群落の乾物生産に及ぼす影響
- 牧草の乾物生産 : 第14報 気象生産力からみたオーチャードグラス草地の地域生産特性
- 牧草の乾物生産 : 第13報 立地を異にするオーチャードグラス草地の気象生産力の推定
- 49. チモシー個葉の光合成能力の個体間差について(I. 年次講演会,昭和49年度 年次、月例講演会およびシンポジウム要旨)