ミシマサイコ種子の発芽に関する研究 : 第2報 発芽の促進と種子の貯蔵法
- 論文の詳細を見る
In part II, the results of experiments, carried out in 1971 and 1972, on the method of hastening of germination with low temperature treatment and that of storage of the seeds are reported. 1. The influence of storage methods ( T, four levels) and storage period (M, ten levels) on the germination was investigated. The effect of stratification (T_3) was the most conspicuous, thc germination percentage and mean necessary time for germination of five month storage stratified in the ground (T_3M_5, 69.1%, 15.18 days) being superior to those of the control (T_0M_5, 57.4%, 25.12 days) by about ten per cent higher and ten days shorter respectively (Tables 1, 2 and 3). 2. It was observed that the stratification hastens the development of embryo, after-ripening protressing favorably as compared to the control (Table 4). 3. The influence of the period of low temperature treatment (T, 5°, five levels), the time of beginning of the low temperature treatment (D, number of days after sowing on moist filter paper in petri dishes, four levels), and time elapse after seed harvest (M, two levels) on the germination were investigated. The results with respect to the germination percentage showed that the main effect, D, T, and M and all of the interaction effects were very highly significant (Table 5a). 4. No effect of the low temperature treatment was observed on the germination percentage of the level D_0 in which it was begun just when the seeds were sown in petri dishes (Table 5c). 5. Of the four levels of factor D, the germination percentage of the level D_<10> in which the low temperature treatment was begun ten days after sowing in petri dishes wad the highest, especially that of the plot of three-day treatment (D_<10>T_3) being the highest (66.8%) (Tables 5b and 5c). 6. In the level D_<20> in which the treatment was begun 20 days after sowing, the germination percentage of the plots of three-and five-day treatment (T_3 and T_5) were higher than that of the control (T_0), while that of seven-day treatment (T_7) was the lowest (Table 5c). 7. In the level D_<30> in which the treatment was begun 30 days after sowing, the germination percentage of the plot of one-day treatment was not effective, but those of more than three-day treatment (T_3, T_5, and T_7) were higher than that of the control (T_0), the longer the treatment the higher the germination percentage (Table 5c). 8. Regarding the mean necessary time for germination, that of the plot D_<10>T_3 was the shortest (22.06 days) of all the combinations of D and T.
- 1976-06-30
金木 良三
金木 良三
桃木 芳枝
桃木 芳枝
川谷 豊彦
桃木 芳枝
川谷 豊彦
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