3 ヒト口腔癌ヌードマウス移植系における温熱感受性ならびに温熱耐性に対する薬剤の効果 (第443回 大阪歯科学会例会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
I investigated the effects of Cepharanthin, Millisrol and Apresoline injected intraperitoneally for heat sensitivity and thermotolerance on human oral carcinoma (KB cells) transplanted subcutaneously in the leg of BALB/cA nude mice. The anti-tumor effect of hyperthermia with Cepharanthin, Millisrol and Apresoline was nearly 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 fold that of hyperthermia alone. The volume of heat shock protein 70 was not diminished by injection of any of the drugs except Cepharanthin. I concluded that Millisrol and Apresoline are heat sensitization drugs, and that Cepharanthin is a heat sensitization and thermotolerance inhibition drug.
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
- 1995-10-25
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- ヒト口腔癌ヌードマウス移植系における温熱感受性ならびに温熱耐性に対する・薬剤の効果
- 3 ヒト口腔癌ヌードマウス移植系における温熱感受性ならびに温熱耐性に対する薬剤の効果 (第443回 大阪歯科学会例会)
- ヒト口腔癌ヌードマウス移植系における温熱感受性ならびに温熱耐性に対する薬剤の効果