- 論文の詳細を見る
Pesticides are required to satisfy the following conditions at present : (1) a high safety standard, (2) high efficacy, (3) low prices. Screening probability of new pesticides has decreased and it has become extremely difficult to develop new ideal pesticides. In such a situation, improvement in formulations and application technologies weigh a lot in order to satisfy the above conditions. Labor-saving on spraying is also desired. As a means to meet such demands, various studies have been done on new pesticide formulations. Developments of new pesticide formulations and new application fields for existing pesticides would be comparable to inventions of new pesticides. Besides, the cost and time required for such developments would be less than those for the developments of new pesticides. From the viewpoint of economization the evaluation of new formulations for existing pesticides will be more favorable. With this understanding, we have been working to develop various kinds of new pesticide formulations. Fenitrothion microcapsule (MC) has been developed for control of cockroaches, termites and insects that attack plywoods. The main way of action of fenitrothion MC against cockroaches was trampling. When trampled by cockroaches, fenitrothion was released burstly to kill them just like a land mine destroys a tank. Also an eating mechanism was involved to some extent. The contact efficacy depended on the strength of the MC and the diameter/thickness(D/T) ratio. To termites, the main way of action was biting and sticking to appendages, followed by self- and mutual-grooming. When used for plywood panels, fenitrothion was stabilized in alkaline phenol resin to give longer residual efficacy. Pyrethroid MC was applied to agricultural uses, in which the biological efficacy depended on D/T, phytotoxicity and rain fastness on T, fish toxicity and acute toxicity on D×T. Fenvalerate and fenitrothion concentrated emulsions were developed by using suitable watersoluble polymers as dispersing agents. Main characteristics of the formulation was the decrease in toxicity and irritation, and the decrease in drift phenomena. Procymidon dry flowable was formulated by the spray drying method. This formulation was less phytotoxic, and physicochemical properties were favorable. Solid EC was formulated by using hydrolized starch. Flo-dust was shown to be usable as wettable powder as well. Calcined synthetic hydrated silicone dioxide improved the residual efficacy of fenitrothion wettable powder for residual spray application. When polyethyleneglycol or polypropyleneglycol was used in the EC formulation without any emulsifiers, acute toxicity and irritation reduced. Thermal decomposition mechanisms of organophosphorous insecticides and pyrethroids were clarified and stabilization methods were proposed. In the near future, research on pesticide delivery systems and the developments of various kinds of functional formulations will become important in order to meet recently growing demands for a higher safety standard, higher efficacy, lower prices, more labor-saving, better formulation properties and the development of new application fields.
- 1989-05-20
- マイクロカプセル化フェニトロチオン : 製剤とその特性
- Formulations Forum '97
- Formulation Chemistry and Technology〔邦文〕 (第7回国際農薬化学会議(52 ICPC)特集)
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- 86 マラリア残留噴霧用フェニトロチオン MC 剤の効力および製剤特性
- D202 水稲用除草剤の省力施用をめざした水中発泡性製剤に関する研究[第 4 報]
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- マイクロカプセル化農薬
- CIPAC シンポジウムおよび CIPAC 31 回年会
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- 農薬の新しい製剤に関する研究
- 第 18 回農薬製剤・施用法シンポジウム
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- 第 23 回生物活性物質のコントロールリリースに関する国際シンポジウム
- CIPAC シンポジウムおよび CIPAC 第 38 年会
- 第 24 回農薬の FAO 規格に関するインフォーマルミーティング
- 粒子設計と製剤技術, 川島嘉明編, 薬業時報社, 1993, 232 ページ, 7800 円
- Delivery〔邦文〕 (第8回国際農薬化学会議(8 ICPC)特集)
- CIPAC シンポジウムおよび CIPAC 第 37 年会
- 第 23 回農薬の FAO 規格に関するインフォーマルミーティング
- 第 22 回農薬の FAO 規格に関するインフォーマルミーティング
- CIPAC 第 36 年会および CIPAC シンポジウム
- CIPAC シンポジウムおよび CIPAC 第 35 年会
- 第 21 回農薬の FAO 規格に関するインフォーマルミーティング
- 第 6 回農薬デザイン研究会
- CIPAC シンポジウムおよび CIPAC 第 33 回年会
- 第 19 回農薬の FAO 規格に関するインフォーマルミーティング
- 第 15 回生物活性物質のコントロールリリースに関する国際シンポジウム
- 農薬製剤・施用法シンポジウム(第 6 回)・セミナー(第 3 回)
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- タイトル無し