- 論文の詳細を見る
Mepronil, (3′-isopropoxy-2-methylbenzanilide) is a new type of fungicide highly effective against rice sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani, sasakii type) and many other diseases caused by Basidiomycetes in various agricultural crops. A good number of substituted benzanilide compounds were synthesized and investigated as to their antifungal activities. These studies revealed 2-substituted benzoic acid anilides to be specifically active for Basidiomycetes. The steric effect of the group in the 2-position of the benzoic acid ring may be of the key importance for fungicidal activity. On the other hand, compounds substituted on the aniline ring with 3′-alkyl or 3′-alkoxy group showed stronger activity than 2′- or 4′-substituted and nonsubstituted compounds. The extent of enhancement depended upon chain length of alkyl groups in 3′-substitution. The fungicidal activity increased with the length of carbon chain showing a peak at carbon number 3 to 5, and then declined steadily as the carbon number in the chain increased further. Mepronil was selected as a most profitable compound, registered as a fungicide and gained commercial acceptance for the control of rice sheath blight and other Basidiomycetes diseases. In comparison with the existing similar compound, 2-methylbenzanilide (common name : mebenil), mepronil was found to have stronger activity both in vitro and in foliar applications but was less systemic and far less phytotoxic than mebenil. Mepronil inhibited glucose oxidation in mycelium of Rhizoctonia solani at the concentration of mycelial growth inhibition. Oxidation of pyruvate and oxalacetate were also inhibited. All of these facts suggest that mepronil has a mode of action similar to the structually related compound, mebenil or carboxin which has a fungicidal spectrum similar to mepronil.
- 日本農薬学会の論文
川田 晴郷
坂本 彬
嶋崎 功
K.I Chemical Research Institute Co., Ltd.
嶋崎 功
K.i Chemical Research Institute Co. Ltd.
嶋崎 功
坂本 彬
川田 晴郷
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