内分泌撹乱とホルモン様化学物質 : 第10回公開シンポジウム : 内分泌撹乱物質の作用機序と後世代影響 : 環境変異原研究との接点
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Chemicals having hormone-like actions are suspected of inducing possible disruptions in the endocrine tissues and organs, thus the chemicals are called possible endocrine disrupting chemi-cals (EDCs) . Their possible consequent hazards such as developmental/repro-toxicological anom-alies and carcinogenicities are reviewed, together with any relevant data from mutagenicity testing. The actions of EDCS appear to be receptor-mediated. Four major subjects to be focused on are ; first, the threshold issue, because of their potent activity at low doses, specifically in in vitro tests ; second, possible redundant action, which may induce an equivocal non-linear dose-response curve ; third, unknown additive/synergistic effects in combinations of chemicals, pos-sibly due to interacting co-factor (s) and/or signal transducer (s) ; and, fourth, the "fetal window" known as a period of greater sensitivity during the developmental stages. By means of available data-bases, special interest has been given to the potential repro-toxicity, carcinogenicity, and mutagenicity of possible EDCS as listed by U.S.-EPA. Lastly, as a theoretical risk-analysis, discussion is made on the possible impact of EDCS on life span, applying data on EDC-mediated hazards to the Risk Factor-Multiplication Theory of Aging. (This paper, chaired by Toshihiro Ohta, was presented to the 10th Annual Symposiurn, "Endocrine Disruptor Mechanism and Posterity Effects-Concern with Environmental Mutagen Research", organized by Kiyomi Kikukawa, Tohru Shibuya, and Kazuo Fujikawa, sponsored by the Environmental Mutagen Society of Japan, and held at The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Nagai Memorial Hall, May 28, 1999.)
- 日本環境変異原学会の論文
- 1999-10-29
井上 達
Division of Toxicology National Institute of Health Sciences
井上 達
国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 安全性生物試験研究センター
井上 達
井上 達
日本大学 医・解剖学
井上 達
井上 達
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