原子炉用低 Mn ステンレス鋼の高温脆化に対する Ti, Zr の効果 : 原子炉炉心用ステンレス鋼に関する研究 I
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The present investigation was undertaken to develop the low-Mn AISI type 347 stainless steel for nuclear reactor materials. The hot shorthness caused by lowering Mn content in steel, and favorable effect of Ti or Zr addition on low-Mn alloys. The experimental results obtained were as follows ; (1) Mn content in steel could be reduced to below 0.10% through careful selection of raw materials. (2) The hot shortness was apt to occur when Mn content in steel was decreased to 0.60%. Addition of Ti or Zr over 0.10% presumably was effective against the hot shortness. (3) It can be considered that the drop in hot ductility for low-Mn steels and the solving this problem by the addition of Ti or Zr might not only depend on the type of oxides and oxygen content, but also mainly on the morphology of sulphides.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1962-05-01
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- 原子炉用低 Mn ステンレス鋼の高温脆化に対する Ti, Zr の効果 : 原子炉炉心用ステンレス鋼に関する研究 I