アメリカ合衆国の初等教育における食物学習 4学年
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Isaku Nishimura(1884〜1963)is well-known as founder of a high school and collegenamed "Bunka Gakuin" in Tokyo and as an architect advocating new idealism on houses inthe early 1900's. He was born in Shingu,Wakayama and raised by an eager Christian family.He introduced western houses in order to innovate the old Japanese style in housing.He insisted that the living room be the most important room in a house. In additionhe tried to adapt the Western way of sitting on chairs, sleeping on beds and eating inthe manner of westerners. He especially evaluated American bungalows that had a livingroom planned in the center of the house. He established Nishimura ArchitectsOffice in Kobe and Tokyo in 1921.At the same time Akio Senoo(1891〜1962)who was a translator of English novels andalso known as a mystery story writer admired western houses and western life-style.Senoo received recognition for his psychological description of the protagonist. Inhis works we can find fantastic and illusional atmosphere which depended on using lotsof words to describe the architecture, a part of a building or elements of interiordesign with technical knowledge. Senoo ordered Nishimura to design and construct hishouse in 1931. The Senoo Residence completed the next year in Kawasaki-shi was a typicalbungalow. That was a great example showing Nishimura's accomplishment as seen inthe history, of Japanese houses.This study illustrates how the common attitude and spirit of embracing Western lifestyleby Nishimura and Senoo was approved through their works.
- 文教大学の論文
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